Chapter 34 (2 years later)

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"Liam! Go get my bag so we can get going! You know louis is going to think of something if we are more than 4 minutes late!" I yelled from the flat door.

"Ok! I'm coming promise!" I heard Liam yell back at me. It's been 2 and a half years since I decided to stay in Holmes. Honestly, im glad I choose to stay. Liam was even more happy because it meant that we could actually have a relationship. It was hard, starting a new relationship, after being single and still morning the death of Harry for about 4 years or so. We fought, made up, fought some more, and figured out our problems. 15 months ago, we decided to move into our own flat. Liam and I have never been happier. He takes me to see my therapist and waits for me until it's over. I requested to change therapist because I felt that having Harry's 'supposed father' as mine, only trigger my depression and brought back memories that I didn't want anymore. I've been subscribed medication for depression, anxiety and to help me sleep. I don't need to take the sleeping pills all the time, as requested of course, only when I feel the need to. Liam helps me a lot, he's the shoulder I lean on now, we depend on each other and I couldn't be anymore in love and happier.

"Alright let's get going, sweets! Hey you ok Kacie?" He said smiling and leaned in to kiss my cheek.

"Hu? Yeah I'm fine I'm just thinking that's all. You look nice, babe!" I said as I took in what my boyfriend was wearing. He was in black slacks, with a white button up shirt, black tie and in matching black dress shoes.

"Not as good looking as you are." he said winking, opening the door and we left together. I was wearing a dark red dress with black heels, my hair was down and I wore a little bow necklace that Liam got me, on our one year anniversary. We made our way down the stairs and to the car.

"Did you take your anti-depressants before we left?" He asked keeping his eyes on the road.

"No, I was going to wait till we got home. I brought them just in case though." I said patting my bag.

"Ok well I think you should be fine since you took them earlier too, right?"

"Yup, around 4 I did." I answered. I looked out the window and waited for time to pass by. We parked our car and both got out. Liam held my hand as he made our way to the restaurant.

"I'm really excited to see everyone, it's been awhile." I said smiling at him.

"Yeah, I am too really." He said looking down at me, eyes filled with love, kindness, and... anxiety? Why is he worried.

"Liam? Are you ok? You seem anxious." I pried.

"Hu? Oh no I'm fine promise. Let's just fi- there they are!" Liam exclaimed leading the way to the table. There sat Zayn and Niall next to each other, Louis at the foot of the table, Camille to his right and 2 open seats for us.

"Look who finally made it!" Louis exclaimed getting out of his seat and making his way to me. He pulled me into a big hug and kissed my cheek.

"You look wonderful Kacie! That color is literally perfect for you!" He said smiling and moved on to Liam.

"Kac!!" I heard Camille say.

"Hi! You look lovely tonight!" I told her taking a seat. We all sat down and conversed before the waitress made her way to us. We all ordered our drinks and needed a few more minutes for food. After 5 minutes, she came back and we all ordered.

"So Kacie, how are you?" Niall asked me as everyone else conversed about whatever it was they seemed interested in.

"I'm alright, really. How are you Niall?" I asked back.

"Ok, getting ready to go visit Zayns family next week. We're really excited, can't wait to see Trisha! It's been ages!" He said sounding really excited.

"Yeah? I haven't seen her since what? Age 14 Zayn?" I asked

"Hu? Ohh yeah, yeah it has been a while since you've seen my mum. You and Liam should come with us next week!" Zayn said flashing me a smile. Just as he smiled, our food came and we all started eating.

"We would love too but we're going to be busy Zayn. You know that, right?" Liam said to him, taking a bite of his mashed potatoes. Zayn nodded his head as if he knew what Liam was talking about.

"We are? Doing what Liam." I said unsure of what he was talking about. I picked up my fork and started eating the chicken salad I got.

"I'll tell you later, promise." He said taking my hand in his under the table. I decided to just listen to him and continue eating and having a good time. We all ate and talked through out the whole dinner. We laughed and it couldn't have been any more perfect for me. Liam had to excuse himself from the table and make a phone call for something, Louis had to use the loo. So it was Zayn, Niall, Camille and I at the table. Zayn, Niall, and Camille just conversed and I was out of it. I checked the time and needed to run to the car really quick and grab my medication. I left them in the car so I wouldn't have to worry about them too much.

"Excuse me, I have to go to the car really quick." I said smiling and made my way to go find Liam. I looked for him and saw Louis in the distance.

'Maybe he knew where Liam was.' I thought to myself. I wove in and out of the crowd and found my way to them.

"What do you mean you're not going too!? I think it should happen tonight! Not next week!? She deserves to know your true feelings Liam!" I over heard Louis trying not to yell at him.

"You think I don't know this!?" I heard him reply. I didn't want to hear any more. I stepped out from the side and looked at them.

"K-Kacie, how long were you there?" Liam stuttered, sounding guilty of something.

"Enough to hear what I wanted. I need the keys, my anti-depressants are there." I said with almost no emotion. If Liam wanted to break up with me then he was going to tell me. I wasn't going to fight him in public for this.

I've been through too much in less than 10 years.


A/N: SURPRISE. I LIED SORRY NOT SORRY. Honestly idk how many chapters I'm going to do. -.- I'm sure you hate me for this too... I decided to make this take place a few years later. It helps me honestly. So I hope you enjoyed this looooong chapter. At least to me it was long.... I hope you guys are having a great day/night. It's currently 1:40 am as I write this and I'm not tired.

life update: so my friend and I are going to Chicago WWA (8/30 if any of you care!) and turns out we BOTH might know a security guard there and I might have a friend who works good there and I guess she getS VIP TO MEET THE PERSON PREFORMING AND SHES WILLIN TO GIVE /ME/THE VIP. I LITERAlly started crying. So yeah, my chances on meeting The boys (mainly louis cause he's my sunshine) keeps on getting high and high as the days go by!!!

Chapter question:

What do you think Liams true emotion is?

OK SO THATS ALL FOR ME. I'm going to go listen to music and think of ideas for the next few chapters!!! Love you guys so so so so so so so so much!!!

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