Chapter 45

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A/N: please note that these two chapters will be happening in the same day but different point of views. Please pay attention to the people and where they are at. You may get confused? Idk I know I do. I'm just letting you guys know!


-Kacie's pov-

"Ok did you pack everything up?" Camille asked me as she was helping me gather the last few things of my make up and putting them in my suit case.

"Yup, I just need to grab my hair dryer and were good to go!" I said smiling and then went to the bathroom to grab it. I came back to see Liam still on the bed, one leg was propped up while the other was down, he was wearing his light blue jeans, a white tea shirt and a red flannel, his tan boots next to the bed.

"Ok I'm going to grab a water bottle and then we can get going!" Camille smiled and left Liam and I. He sat up and grabbed his right boot and started untying it to put it on. I crawled on the bed and got behind him to wrap my arms around his chest and hug him.

"What's wrong." I stated, resting me cheek on his shoulder.

"Nothing, I'm just putting my shoes on Kac."

"You seem upset.." I said quietly.

"Well I'm not, so stop thinking I am." He said back, turning his head towards me with a smile on his face. I kissed his cheek and got off the bed and watched him put on his left shoe. He placed his hands on his knees and looked up at me. For a moment, I swear I saw fear and sadness in his eyes, quickly it was replaced with love. I got closer to him and he pulled me into his arms once I was arms length away.

"I'm going to miss you." He said into my sweater.

"It's only a week, but I'll miss you too."

"Hurry up!?" Camille yelled from the main room. Liam and I laughed, he hugged me tighter then released me. We grabbed my suit cases and the three of us walked out of the flat and made our way to airport.

To our surprise, Louis, Zayn, and Niall were waiting for us at our departure gate.

"You think I wouldn't say good bye to my girlfriend and best mate? I'm so hurt." Louis said dramatically then laughed.

"Ha ha funny, Louis." I said hugging him. He returned the hug with just as much force and love.

"Have fun, but come back this time." He joked then turned to Camille, who looked like she was ready to cry.

"Keep in touch yeah?" Zayn said after hugging me.

"I'll try, with the time difference and everything." I replied.

"Something is better than nothing," He smiled and hugged me once more. "Have a safe trip, love you Kac."

"Love you too, Zayn." I smiled.

"Have a good trip Kacie, Bring me back a seashell!" Niall exclaimed as he pulled me into a quick hug.

"I'll try, yeah." I laughed. Zayn and Niall made their way over to Camille, who was now actually crying.

"Call me when you land?" Liam asked.

"Of course, you gunna be one of those fiancé's that stays up all night until you get a call?" I giggled.

"If I have too, I will." He chuckled pulling me in for my last hug. I rested my cheek against his chest and his chin on my head. With one final squeeze and the flight attendant calling for all flight 68 to Chicago boarding, Liam gave me one last kiss and let me go.

"Please be save." He said with a wave.

"Promise." I smiled and waved back. I walked over to Camille and hooked arms with her, we smiled at each other and made out way on the plane.

Once we were seated and comfortable, she looked at me and smiled.

"I'm excited, it's been a long time since we've been back in America. When we land we have to get pizza!" Camille exclaimed.

"Honey, you must not fly much, you won't be hungry when you get off." I smiled, pulling out a book I packed in my carry on back.

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Camille, jet lag is a bitch." And with that she groaned and I laughed.


A/N: aaaaand their off to my city!! :D yes I'm from the south suburbs of Chicagoooo!!! Love it! What do you guys think? Remember that this next chapter is going to be a little different I guess? I don't know. Tell me your thoughts here or tweet me at @/daintylacedlou !!

LIFE UPDATE: I just want to apologize for updating so late. My depression has really been getting in the way of any activities I'm doing. [and Louis's solo in little things just came on and I'm crying thanks Louis.] also there's going to be a big change in my life and I'm not ready for it.... I'll keep you updated on it if you care.

SO THATS ALL I GOT FOR YOU. the next chapter should be up by Halloween since I know what it's going to be on. Thanks guys for everything!! 💕💕

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