Chapter 33

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It's Monday now and I'm suppose to leave for America Thursday morning. I've done nothing but sleep, seeing how the memorial was on Saturday. It was the only reason why I came here to England. I wouldn't have thought on falling for someone and having my old life back. I sat in the windowsill of my room that Liam and I share now, just thinking of possibilities I now have. I could stay here, find a flat for myself, move in and be happy or I could go back to America with my other friends and still be happy, at least I think. I don't want to leave Camille, Tristan and Haiden. I can't do that to them, but if I stay, I'll have Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Liam. I just don't want to think about it right now, but I need to make my decision now. I was interrupted with a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said out loud. The door opened to show a wide haired brunette and dreads.

"Hey Camille, Zayn. What's up?" I said smiling.

"Well we came to talk to you." Zayn said quietly.


"Because we need to know what's happening." Camille said, I gave them a confusing look.

"What do you mean what's happening?" I asked

"Are you leaving or are you staying for longer?" He asked.

"Oh, um, I don't know really." I said looking back down to the ground. I really don't know what I want to do. I somewhat happy here with Liam and with my friend but I know I have to go back home at some point right?

"This is your home." I heard someone say to me.

I swear I'm going crazy. First I hear Harry's voice and now I'm hearing voices. This is too much for me.

"Stay, I know Liam would want that." Zayn said taking a seat next to me.

"I know he would but I don't know if I would." I said.

"I think you would because you have Liam and a bunch of other people." Camille said as Zayn opened his mouth to talk then closed it. He just sat there looking at me and took my hands into his.

"It's just, Kacie, he feels that you dont care for this relationship as much as he does. He feels that this is just some fling going on and he fears that you're just going to leave and not come back. Fears that you'll break his heart and he'll never forget you, you know?" He said still looking down and creating circles on my hands. This motion somehow kind of calmed me down. I looked up to see Zayn and Camille looking down.

"But this isn't a fling in my eyes. I love Liam so much, I don't know what I would do with out him in my life. I've never had a relationship since Harry and I don't know what to do about it. This is all so new to me and-" I started to cry for some reason and He sighed and took me into his arms holding me.

"Oh Kac. It's okay to feel like this I knew this was all new to you and I told Liam that he just needs to sit down and talk to you about it." He said to me in a quiet voice. I felt another pair of arms wrap around be from behind.

"Kacie please listen to us. You know this hurts me to say this but I honestly think you should stay here. I'll go back and pack your things and tell everyone you say your goodbyes but please. Stay here in Holmes. You have so many people who love and obviously miss you here. California can wait, Blackberry." I let go of Zayn and hugged Camille. She has always been there whenever I needed someone to cry to and to talk too. She's one of the reasons why I don't want to leave California.

"Raspberry, I love you so much. Please don't leave me. I need to here by my side. Please, please, please, just don't." I sobbed to her.

"Oh honey I wasn't going to leave your side unless you begged me to either way. You're forever at my hip sweet stuff, my little sister that I've always wanted. I love you, cutie." She sobbed back an hugged me tighter to her. I heard some sniffling come from behind me. I leaned over and took Zayn into my arms too.

We all hugged and cried together some more. I left go of them and wiped away the tears. I stood up and adjusted my clothes.

"What's the plan blackberry?"my best friend asked me hugging me from behind.

"Let's all go to the main room. I'll tell you then." I said smiling. Zayn and Camille took my hands and pulled me towards the door and exited the room.

"EVERYONE TO THE MAIN ROOM NOW. NO COMPLAINTS." Zayn yelled. I saw Louis and Liam leave Louis' room together and Liam and I shared eye contact. I smiled at him shyly and he returned the favor and walked to the main room with his head hanging and shoulders shrugged, his hands were in his pocket. I could read sadness off of him, and it hurt me too see him this way.

We all made our way to the main room. Louis and Camille sat on one side and Zayn and Niall on the other side of the couch. Liam in the single seat and I stood in from of everyone. I took a deep breath and looked up to meet everyone's eyes. Camille and zayn flashed a smile at me and I smiled back.

"Ok, so as most of you heard or think. This is my last few days in Holmes." I said, Liam stood up and started walking away.

"But you're wrong." He stopped walking as turned just his head.

"I've decided that I'm going to stay in Holmes for as long as it's needed. I don't know how long but that's the plan." I said with a big smile and with that everyone cheered and ran up to me for a big hug. When they all cleared the way, Liam walked up to me with a smile on his face.

"I'm glad you staying, love." He said and took me into his arms, then kissed me like he's never kissed me before.


A/N: so this was kinda rushed??? Idk I wanted to get it done.... It's probably the worst thing I have ever written in the history of my writings. This isn't the last chapter though! There's about 2? (Maybe) more. I know I'm doing a sequel. I think I'll do the sequel next because there isn't much of a story left at least in my eyes. So yeah! I think this is the last chapter an then a sequel chapter followed by the final Authors Note. Idk when that will all be done....

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter at least I hope you do....

love y'all and thanks again! Bye guys!

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