Chapter 13

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Nothing beats the feeling of waiting to hear from a doctor to see if your loved one is going to be alright, or if they're not going to be alright. It felt like I've been waiting for 16 hours. I sent a text to Louis when we got to the hospital and that she was going into Urgant Care. He replied saying Niall seemed in better shape before I left and that him and Zayn went to bed early. He also told me to keep him updated on anything new with Kacie. I thanked him for letting me know how Niall was doing, I was really worried about him on the ride to the hospital. As I waited, I gave myself the worst pity party and beat myself up for not seeing anything sooner. She could be dead right now if I didnt walk in on her sooner. How would Harry feel then? Sure hes dead, but i still promised him that Kaceie would be save. The last time i checked, sitting in the hospital because she hurt herself is not keeping her safe. Is this how she felt when she walked in on Harry those years ago? Guilty, misserable, hated, sad, terrible, anything negative? I pulled out my phone,when i spotted a doctor coming out of the Urgant Care area. It was only 2:07. I've been waiting for about 3 hours?

"Tompson?" The male doctor asked out loud. It took a few seconds that he was calling for Kacie's family, Something she never really had. I stood up and walked over to the doctor.

"Yes, thats me. Im her friend." I said to him in a soft voice.

"Im sorry sir, but only fam-"

"She has no family." I said, defending her.

The nurse nudged the doctor causing him to look at her. Her face said it all.

"Of course you can come in, doll. Follow us." She smiled widely at me with a sweet tone. I followed them down the hall passing the main desk and double doors into the urgent care center. From there, we went down a different hallway that lead us to a door that said Dr. Zackary. The doctors opened the door and held it for the nurse and I. The nurse motioned for me to sit in front of the desk. The doctor took at seat behind the desk, while the nurse sat next to it.

"Alright, I'm Dr. Zackery and this is Nurse Kassandra, Mr. ?"

"Oh, um, Payne. Liam Payne." I replied quickly.

"Right, well Mr. Payne, Ms. Tompson is going to be just fine. We stitched up the deep cuts and examined her body just in case. We took blood to see if there were any, um, any unneeded chem-"

"To see if it was suicide." I said correcting him, looking at my hands.

"Yes, to see if she had anything in her system. We found nothing that we needed to worry about, but for safety reasons she will be staying here for another day or 2. Just too keep an eye on her, of course." I nodded letting everything process through. I wanted to ask her when I could see her, but couldn't find the breath too.

"She should be awake later in the day today, so please do come back and visit her." He said answering my thoughts.

"Of course doctor. I plan on being the first to see her. Is that all or do I need to know more?" I asked kindly.

"No, there's nothing more. Go home and get some sleep Liam. It's been a long 3 hours for you." He said getting up from his seat, Kassandra following right after him. He held out his hand.

"Yes, I will thank you again." I said smiling and taking his hand into mine.

"Kassandra will show you the walk back. Have a good night -er- morning I mean." He said smiling at me. I nodded, following Kassandra out the door. The walk back to the waiting rooms on floor 2 was silent and filled with an unknown emotion. We got through the double doors and I started to continue my walk.

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