Chapter 23

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I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the sun falling down my face. Not only that but the sound of soft breathing in my ear. I moved an inch to only find myself being pulled back and a sudden change in weight being brought to my waist. I turned my head to see a sleeping Liam. His eyes shut, the sun cascading down his face to make it seem like he has little black feathers down his face from his eyelashes. His hair lightly tossed from sleeping.his mouth was open a little bit, just from the light snores I heard. I turned my body around to face him and brought my hand to his cheek. I lightly placed my hand on his face, only to see his eyes flutter open. His sleepy brown eyes met my blue ones. His lips creating a smile and a light chuckle.
"G'mornin." He said to me in a raspy voice that could make me feel all types of ways.
"Mornin." I smiled replying almost in a whisper. I moved my hand and placed it on his chest, only to find him moving his hand to place it on my cheek. His thumb caressing it for a few moments. Our legs were intertwined, foreheads touching and we giggled at sweet nothings.

After a few minutes of nothing, he sighed and smiled at me, the sun dancing off his eyes, making him squint. This caused me to go into another giggling fit.
"You think that's funny?" he asks me laughing. I just giggled even more.
"How did you sleep?" he asked chucking at me.
"Better than ever really." I replied, saying nothing but the truth.

For 4 years, I couldn't really sleep well. I slept, yes, but it wasn't sleep. For the first year and a half I had nightmares and other things. The most I would sleep in a week would be 16 hours. That may seem like a lot, but divide that by 7 and it's not much.
"Really now?" he asked, eyebrows raised.
"Yeah, I never really slept much, and if I did I wasn't really relaxing to me." I explained and he understood.
"Oh, I slept perfectly." He said cheekily.
"And why is that?" I asked knowing the answer.
"Well there was this really pretty black haired girl with mesmerizing blue eyes in my bed with me. She's the cutest thing my eyes have laid on and I love her so much." He said leaving in and gave me a Eskimo kiss. I giggle at the cute gesture.
"I'm sure this girl is to die for, but she must have left in the middle of the night because I'm here now." I said joking.
"Oh, well I guess she did, so I guess you'll have to do." He replied, pulling my left leg over his body so I was straddling his waist. I placed my hand in either side of his toned shirtless chest and looked down. The tips of my hair flowing down and lightly brushing him.
"Since when did you sleep shirtless?" I asked.
"Since I was like 17. I just always put on a shirt whenever you tired to come in here." He explained.
"Yet you're shirtless now?"
"Well, if you have a proble-" I cut him off with a kiss. Our lips met and molded together. I pulled away and smiled down at him.
"I'll never get use to that feeling." He said smiling. I got off of him and noticed I was still in clothes from last night. I told him I was going to go change and see of Camille was up. I walked out of his room to I back to mine. I changed into a black long sleeve and black shorts with black and white socks. I pulled my hair up into a semi-messy bun and fixed my make up.

After I was happy with my appearance, I walked to Louis room to see if he was up and moving before checking on Camille I knocked 3 times and nothin happened. So I opened to the door slowly, only to find a mocha colored arm hanging off his bed. I entered his room just to see who this person was. As I got closer, I saw Louis head buried into the shoulder of the mocha colored stranger and arms wrapped around their waist. I noticed the girls hair. It was black dreads with some red ones. Camille and Louis were in the same bed. Since when was this a thing? If only Camille and Louis were morning people, I would wake them up right now and force her to explain herself to me, but they aren't and I don't want drama right now. Not after this cute morning I just had with Liam.
I slowly walked out of the room before I was caught. As I was about to shut the door fully I heard someone say in a slept tone.

"You know it's not nice to creep when people are sleeping."



A/N: sorry idk about this chapter.... I really wanted this to be about the next morning and stuff I feel that it sucks. Oh well. Next chapter Camille and Kacie will be together and stuff will get real in the next 2-3 chapters. I'm really excited like I said!!

I hope you guys are awesome and feeling great!! I love you all so so much!

Follow me on twitter if you wanna ! ALSO!!!!! There's a new Liam/Kacie (Lacie) pic. It's done off my phone do yeah sorry. It will be posted to my twitter !!!

Imma go because it's almost 2:30 am. Love you all and thanks! <333

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