Chapter 27

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"A 'best friend' would be fucking my childhood best friend." Kacie said to me and then slammed the door shut. I couldn't believe she just said that to me. I walked up to the door and started pounding on it, praying should would open so we could talk. Tears threatening to roll down my face, I kept on trying to get her to come back and talk. Nothing seemed to work. I started sobbing and then my knees locked and I found my self on the ground, hands on the door, tears rolling down my face.

"Come on sweets." A British voice said to me, unable to register on who it was. They picked me up bridal style and lead me somewhere. They opened a door bed and placed me on a bed, then left the room, closing the door behind them. I cried into the pillow for what seemed like hours. My eyes were most likely shot, my throat hurt, and my head was pounding. I remember falling asleep to the sound is someone yelling and my silent pleads to God, hoping Kacie would be ok tonight.

I woke up at an unknown time, I looked next to me to find no one was there. Only a tray of toast, pancakes, bacon, and eggs and on the nightstand, a tall glass of orange juice.

"Breakfast in bed." I said very quietly to myself. I sat up slowly and my head started pounding again. I groaned and took the glass of orange juice and sipped a little. I took the trap into my lap and nibbled on the toast. I took small bites of my eggs and ate barely half of the pancake. I don't even bother touching my bacon. I wasn't really hungry after the argument with her last night. Louis and I haven't even talked about sex. He understands that I'm not staying here, so we know we really can't have a serious relationship. What made her even say that to me. We were having such a great day yesterday, and then that happened. I sighed and placed the tray next to me. I got out of bed and walked over to the mirror to check my appearance. It's presentable but whatever. I walked over to the door and went to open it. Before I did, I heard soft arguing behind it. I couldn't tell what they were saying. I opened the door to see Niall and Kacie arguing and Zayn leaning on the walls across from me. The 3 of them looked at me, Niall and Kacie were instantly red and Zayn got off the wall and walked to me.

"Afternoon, Camille. Sleep well?" he asked as he pulled me into a big hug. My nose was filled with the smell of a caramel vanilla like scent. I hugged him back and nodded my head.

"I'm guessing that was a good sleep?" he chuckled.

"Oh, yeah I sleep ok I guess. Woke up with my head pounding."

"Ahh, well I can get you some Tylenol if you want me too." He suggested.

"Please? Thanks Zayn, you're a sweetheart." I told him smiling. He left and tugged on the back of Niall's shirt as a signal to leave.

Kacie looked at the ground as I looked at her. Still hurt from what she said. We both sighed and she looked me in the eyes.


"No, it's ok. Granted what you said wasn't, bit I know you didn't mean it." I explained.

"It wasn't nice of me. I'm really sorry I said it. I shouldn't have said it. I'm really sorry again, I can't loose our friendship now." She said as her eyes started getting glossy.

"Kac, it's ok. Don't cry please. You have enough to worry about." I told her pulling her into a hug.

"I know, I know." She said to me, hugging me back. Zayn and Niall came back and gave me my medication. I took it with the glass of water they brought me, then left to have us talk alone again.

"Did you enjoy breakfast?" she asked me

"Yeah, I ate some, I wasn't really hungry but it was still good." I told her as we walked down the hall to go in the main room. Liam and Louis are on one couch and Zayn and Niall are cuddling on the other. Liam and Louis looked up and smiled at us then went back to the tv. I sat down next to Louis and Kacie sat next to me.

"How'd you sleep love?" Louis asked me.

"Alright, but could have been better." I told him.

"Good, what's the plan today?" he asked for everyone to answer. It was quiet for a while when someone finally spoke up.

"Let's stay in today, it's been a busy for days and tomorrow is a busy day." Liam said.

"What's tomorrow?" I asked. again there was silence.

"Tomorrow's the memorial Camille." Kacie said softly.

"Oh, ok. Well were all here for you Kac."

"I know you all are, and I couldn't have asked for any other great people in my life." She said looking around an smiling at everyone.

For the rest of the day, we ordered take out, watched movies, played games, and had a great time with each other.


A/N: this was really just a filler I guess?? this seemed really short to me, so I'm sorry if you don't like it. Chapter 28 is the memorial. REMEMBER: the song suggestion is Amnesia by 5 seconds of summer. I think you should listen to them if you don't. They have an album coming out on Tuesday.


I can't believe the reads I have. Thanks a bunch for all your support and everything! I love you all so much!!

Well I have to get going. I have church then a white sox's game and then a graduation party. Ugh so busy such little time.

Love you guys so much!!!! <33

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