Chapter 10

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"Thanks for everything Anne, not just for now, but from the past too. It means lot to me." I said to her as I handed her the clothes I was wearing earlier. The clothes I came in were cleaned, dried and ready to be worn.

"Oh honey, its perfectly fine! You know you're always welcomed here for anythihg. You're like my 2nd daughter." She replied with a smile on her face. I returned the smile, but I couldn't find the energy to return the emotion. So much has happened, and its only the first day I've been in Holmes. Hopefully the rest of the week will be better than today. If not, I dont think I'll make it much longer. I feel like I'm drowning in misery and sorrows. Pain and fake happiness. Everywhere I turn there is a memory of Harry. I knew I shouldnt have come here. I should just leave, not just Holmes but for good.

"No, you've made it this far. Dont give up yet." A voice said to me in my head. Anne hugged me and then turned to liam to talk to him. I saw Gemma sitting in a chair in the kitchen. I walked over to her and took a seat next to her and looked at her. She didnt look back at me.

"Gem? Can we stop this? We were so close before. If Harr-"

"Dont you dare bring him up in front of me," She snaped at me, looking me straight in the eyes. Her eyes were a shade of green that I've never seen. Not even on Harry when we would fight. She really did hate me. She really did blame me for Harry's death. She truly hates me, and I found some type of crazy pleasure in the thought of how much she atually hated me. "I dont know why you keep on coming back here. You know I dont like you and that I blame you for this. You know it puts my mother into an unneccessary levels of stress. Not only because she is still somewhat morning the death of her first born son, but because she now has to worry about a girl who isnt even her child. A girl who has no right to even share the same air that Harry did. Kacie, you are worth nothing to me. I dont want to see you here agian." She said with a final breath and walked away from me, stomping. All I could do was watch her walk away from me, praying that I didn't start crying. Some part of me knew that every single word she just said was nothing but the truth. I sat there letting everything soak into my head.

I looked at Anne and noticed that she did seem a little stressed. Her hair was duller and less fuller than the last time I saw her. Her skin wasnt the typical tan color that she use to wear all the time whenever I was over. She seemed a tad thinned, but in a healthy way. She stood there talking with Liam about something I really wasnt paying attention too. I saw a smile on her face and Liam smiled back, then looked over to me. The big, white toothed smile disappeared instantly, the moment his brown eyes locked with mine. He said some words to Anne, then hugged her. She looked back at me and smiled, I returned it with as much fake happiness I could give her. Liam walked up to me and took me into his arms. Its like he knew I wanted to cry every single cell of my body out.

"Ready to go, love?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded into his chest, knowing if I spoke I would break down. Anne would never let us leave because she would be too concerned for me. All I wanted to do was go back to Louis' appartment and sleep. Sleep for eternity, never wake up. Liam pulled away from the hug, but just enough to look down at me. "Kacie?" He questioned

"Dont worry about it. I just want to go home and see Zayn, Louis and Niall. Appologise for my behavior earlier and pray Louis does something stupid to make me laugh so much that I forget all my pain from today." I explained to him, looking up at him. His eyes are filled with concern, confusion, saddness, and I swear I see a hint of love. Why would Liam love me? A sad, depressing, ugly, scar covered girl? I'm nothing compared to all these other girls that walk down the streets.

"Then lets go do that! We can wipe away the invisable tears, and that frown." He confirmed. he helped me off the chair, he wrapped his arm around my shorlders and mine around his back; together we walked to the front door. Liam turned around to wave at Anne and she waved back. He held the door open for me, he was holding the box from the closet as I held the laptop bag. I walked past him and he shut the door behind us. He put his arm back around my shoulder and we walked towards the car he came in. When we approached the car, he walked over to my side and opened the door as I got into the car. He waited until I was seated and adjusted in the car, then he walked over to the drivers side. He got in an starts the car. He pulled out of the drive way and started towards Louis' apartment. We sat in silence for a bit, when my phone started going off.

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