Chapter 16

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As I came out of my sleep and my eyes fluttered open, I felt someone stroking my hand and heard light breathing and sniffles. I wasn't sure who was in the room, I thought visiting hours were done for now. I turned my head to see who it was that obviously seems sad. My eyes met a short, brunette haired person whose head was resting on my bed. Their back was hunched over and shaking. My heart squeezed at the sight of the person.

"H-hello..." I said quietly. The person stopped shaking and lifted their head up from the bed. My eyes met a pair of chocolate brown eyes that were red from crying. His face was covered in tears and had a frown on his face.

Liam Payne was heartbroken and I was the cause of it.

"Kacie, I didn't know you were awake.."

"Just woke up. It's ok." I told him. He just looked at me and didn't say anything.

"Please say something..." I said after a few minutes of him studying me. He shook his was and sighed deeply.

"Kacie... I don't know what to say." I opened my mouth to speak but he silenced me.

"Let me finish. I don't know if I was to be mad at you or mad at myself. I want to slap you for making this happen. I'm so pissed that I don't want to even be here yet I want to tie you to me and never have you leave my side. I know Lou said something similar to you, but I don't feel any where near close to how he feels. Only problem is that I love you too damn much to leave you alone here in this hospital! Kacie just answer this one thing and then I'm leaving. Why. Why did you do this?" He ranted to me. I sat there shocked. Liam was actually mad at me. Out of all people I thought he would be the most comforting, but I was wrong.

"Liam... I'm sorry. I really am, I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't ask for this to happen. I only wanted to release pain and stress, but not enough to put me in the hospital. You act like I wanted this. If you mean any word that you say about you loving me and caring for me, that comment just erased all love for you Liam." I told him in reply.


"No! You got your answer now leave. I'll see you later." He got up and tried to lean down and kiss my forehead, I pushed him away with my left hand.

"I said leave Liam. You're only making this harder." I said closing my eyes and looking away. he sighed and I felt his presence leave

"Tell Louis to come back." I said out loud, I heard the door open and then slam shut. I squeezed my eyes shut keeping in the tears. How could he say that to me? I thought after all he knows and has said to me he would understand. This is exactly why I don't tell anyone my problems, because the end up stabbing me or hurting me back in so type of way. I heard the door open but I didn't open my eyes.

I felt a soft kiss on my head and the bed weight shifting.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry for him." Louis cooed to me trying to help.

"Lou. Do you have my phone? I want to make a call..." he nodded and got back off the bed and searched his pockets. He pulled out his phone and then soon after he pulled out mine and handed it to me. I nodded and smiled at him to thank him as he took back his previous spot. I unlocked my phone to see 7 text messages. 4 from Haiden, 2 from my best friend Camille and 1 from Haidens boyfriend, Tristen.

I open up Tristens and he tells me to have a safe trip and not for get them in Cali. I then open up Camille's and her first one tells me how much she loves me and will miss me and the second is her asking me to call her. I go over to Haidens messages and the first 2 tell me how much he loves me and misses me and the last 2 are him telling me to call him asap. I looked at my phone confused on what's happening. I decided to call Haiden first seeing how he seemed more concerned than other? plus I miss his calming voice. It rang 3 time and by the 3rd he answered.

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