Chapter 30

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After Gemma walked away to go say more things to other people, we all headed towards the cars to start making our way to the house. The car ride was quite just like the way here. Music was playing in the background. I turned up the radio to see what song it was. It was just some poppy song that I didn't care for, so I turned it back down.

"How are you feeling about all of this Kacie?" Louis asked from the divers seat. Camille didn't want to sit in the front so she switched with me.

"Honestly? I don't know. Everything is still in shock? I don't know how to put it. One this is that I miss him." I said as I leaned my was against the window.

"I think we all do, love." Liam said from the back. I lifted my head and turned to face him. He was looking down and his folded hands.


"No, it's fine." He said.

Shit, I did or said something for him to feel like this. I returned back to the window and watched the sky pass by in admiration.

The light blue sky had scattered puffy soft clouds and a few birds here and there. The sun was shining bright causing everything on the ground to somewhat sparkle. The buildings were tall and the people walking seemed in a rush. We pulled into a neighbor hood and I watched as we pulled up to the Styles residence. Louis turned off the car and got out, Camille followed and Liam and I say there. He was about to get out when I stopped him.

"Liam, please stay." I asked he looked at me with sad brown eyes but his face have off a smile and happiness.

"Dont fuss Kac, I'm ok." He said as he got out of the car. I quickly did the same and ran up to him, pulling him back towards the car and pushed him up against it.

"You can't lie to me. I did something to make you feel like, well, this." I said as I gestured to him.

"No you didn't." He said, eyes avoiding mine.

"Stop it!?" I said. Then it hit me. My speech. I said that Harry was my first love and that I could never love anyone else.


"Don't." He said trying to walk away from me. I couldn't let that happen, so I wrapped my arms around him and placed my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry." I said to him. His arms wrapped securely around me. His head resting into of mine. he let out a deep sigh.

"No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so upset. Harry meant a lot to you and you do love him. Just answer this for me. Am I a replacement?" He asked.

I leaned away from his body to look up at him. His eyes were filled with sadness, worry, and some love.

I couldn't lie to him.

"Liam, I will never find someone just like Harry. No matter how many times I'll try. You are something different. I love you for being Liam, not because of Harry. You're nothing like him. I could never replace what Harry and I had. I can only make something totally new between me and another person." I said honestly. He smiled down at me, knowing that's the answer he wanted. He took my cheek in his hand and pulled me to him. His lips met mine in a slow, yet loving, kiss. His lips tasted of a hint of mint, possibly from a mint he had during the ceremony. They matched perfectly, our lips. He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

"I don't want to seem like I'm pressuring you, but I need you to be honest with me. Can you do that?" he asked me softly. I nodded my head in reply.

"Are we together?" he asked again.

I looked at him and smiled. How could I not love him? How could I pass up the deal of a lifetime since Harry's passing.


No, don't go there. He said in his letter to me that if I were to date anyone ever, he would want me with Liam. He isn't here. It's just me and Liam. Not Harry, Liam, and I. I was quiet for a few minutes.

"Kacie?" Liam asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"No Liam, yes." I told him.

"Yes as in, were together or yes as in I have you attention?" he asked again confused.

"Both." I told him. His face broke out into a big smile as he pulled me to him for a hug. His arms on my waist as he picked me up for this hug, my arms wrapped around his neck and I was giggling.

It's official. Liam and I are dating and I couldn't be any happier.


A/N: sorry it's so short? I wanted to update this chapter asap because you guys deserve it! They're finally together though!!!!!!! Wow haha

As some of you know, in the last chapter I said my weekend sucked. Well this morning I woke up to 500+ reads. I'm being serious here when I say this. I started acting like Louis or Ashton followed me. I started crying and just repeating oh my god. I really want to thank you all for sticking with me during this book or fanfic or whatever you want to call it. I means a lot to me!! So thank you again!! I don't like to come off as selfish. So it's all because of you guys that I can experience this kind of happiness.

So that's all really.... I'll try to update again by next Friday, no promises though.. I love you guys and have a fantastic morning/night!!!! <333

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