Chapter 26

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4 years ago tomorrow. It's been 4 whole years tomorrow since I have lost my best friend/boyfriend. How does one just let this happen.

Camille and I paid for our food and left, I didn't want to shop anymore with the new knowledge that I had swimming in my brain. How could I forget my own friends memorial. How could I forget something that changed my life permanently. The walk back home was slow and long to me but was quick and short to Camille. We quickly made it up the stairs and let ourselves in. Everyone said their welcome homes to us and we, more like me, we trying to be polite enough to say it back. I'm in shock still.

"How could I forget such a thing?"

I kept thinking to myself. Over and over, it seemed to just swim on my head and float there. Liam noticed that I wasn't into the conversation Niall was having with me. Instead he took me by the hand and walked me to the hallway.

"What happened?" He asked hands taking mine.

"I had a great day today Liam. It was fantastic really." I said as my eyes became teary.

"What else happened?" he asked again.

"I saw Gemma and she apologized to me, and it was really sweet! she told me that she was sorry and felt bad for ever making me feel at fault. It was really sweet." I repeated as tear gathered up in my eyes. Zayn walked into the hallway at this point.

"Did I hear that right? Gemma apologized?" He asked quietly. I nodded my head to approve of what he heard.

"Wow, I didn't expect that from her. Why do you seen so sad because of it?" he asked again placing a hand on my back.

"Because tomorrow. I almost forgot what tomorrow was and why I was here to begin with." I said. Liam and Zayn exchanged a confused look then looked back to me.

"Kacie, what's tomorrow?" they asked as tears fell down my face now. Liam attempted to wipe some away but it was pointless.

"Ha-Harry's men-memorial i-" I tried to say but only failed. Liam took me into his arms and rubbed my back. I felt another pair of arms around me, Zayns. Both of them held me as I cried into Liams shoulder. I sobbed for what seemed like hour but really was jut a few minutes. I heard some other voices but couldn't make them out really, I felt more arms around me and heard more words of encouragement, words of love, words of hope. This only made me cry harder because now I knew that my friend had my back and I was happy yet sad because the main person who should have been there,


He was the one we were having the memorial for. He should be here with me right now. After a 15 minute breakdown, I finally released myself from Liam, who released me and that was the key to everyone else doing the same. Liam took my face between his hands and his thumbs wiped away any extra tears and any running makeup. He softly smiled at me and kissed my forehead. I turned around to see Zayn and Niall, arms around each other, Louis and Camille, his arm around her shoulders. I noticed Niall's face was a little pink from crying too. The four of them all looked at me and smiled. Louis stepped forward and held out his arms. I went to them instantly, he hugged me tight.

"You're never alone in this you know that right?" he said to me. I nodded my head in reply.

"Good, I love you Kay."

"I love you too Lou." I said as he released me and Camille then pounced on me.

"UGGGH I love you so so much raspberry!? You're the best thing that could have ever happened to LA. Part of me is so glad that yo moved there and I can't wait for you to come home with me," She said as she pulled away from the hug and place her hands on my shoulder. "But, after being here for a few days and having such a fabulous time with you and everyone else." She looked around and smiled at everyone. Louis winked at her and licked his lips which caused her to giggle. "I feel that you should stay here longer than just this weekend." She said strongly.

"Camille, I can't."

"Why not? LOUIS loves HAVIN you here, Zayn and Niall miss seeing you, and Liam loves you and you know you can't just take him an move him a full sea away!? it's not a very good girlfriend thing to do." She said.

My eyes narrowed.

I felt my skin turn hot.

My heart started beating faster.

All eyes on me.

"Girlfriend?" an Irish accent said.

"I am not his girlfriend Camille." I said in a angry tone.

"Really? It seems like it too me."

"You wouldn't know anything when it comes to relationships Camille." I said as I walked away from her and headed towards my bedroom.

"Hold up! what do you mean I don't know anything about them!?" she yelled after me. Louis and Liam called out for us as we walked away from the group. I got to my door and opened it. Before I shut it, I turned to my best friend, look her in the eyes.

"A 'best friend' would be fucking my childhood best friend." I said with a straight face and slammed the door in her face.


A/N: IM SORRY. I decided on what chapter the memorial will be on and it's coming up reaaaaally soon! As a sneak peak, the song I suggest you listen too for that chapter (I'll tell you when it is) is Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer. If you know that song you know it's gunna be a sad chapter already...

So yeah! Thoughts?


/fangirling over/

So yeah! I'm actually about to leave for the Chicago 5sos fam meetup!! So if you're going can't wait to see you! I'll be having birthday signs for ash and luke!

This is going in long enough.... Bye guys love you all.

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