Chapter 50

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-Camille's pov-
Then the lights went out a few minutes later and the sound of snores filled the room.
A few hours later, silence was interrupted with screams.
I quickly jumped out of bed, getting tangled in the bed sheets, and made my way over to Kacie's thrashing body.
"Kacie! Kacie!!" I yelled as I grabbed her shoulders and shook her to wake up. She was mumbling words I couldn't understand fully. I tried to wake her again, but it wasn't working. I sighed out of worry and a little bit of frustration and ran over to grab my phone. I dialed 7 and it started ringing.
"Camille?" A raspy voice answered.
"Liam? I need help, kacie is having a nightmare and she isn't waking up! I don't know what to do." I explained trying to remain calm.
"What is she doing?" He asked. I walked over to Kacie and placed my hand on her wrist, hoping it would do something.
"She's just tossing and turning quickly and mumbling words I can't really understand Liam..." Suddenly Kacie sat up and was breathing heavily. I dropped my phone on the bed and hugged her.
"Kacie!? Are you ok! I called Liam because I was scared on what was happening. Call me a bitch, but I've never experienced this and I didn't know what to do." I babbled on, all she could do was shake her head and mumble 'it's a dream' over and over... I picked up my phone and put it to my ear.
"Camille!?! What happened!" Liam was yelling.
"Sorry... She's awake now, do you want to-"
"Yeah, I do." He said and Kacie held out her hand. I handed her the phone and sat there patiently.
"Yeah.... I'm- no. Not fine... No... Yeah... I'm sorry... Ok... Promise... Miss you too... I know I know. It's ok... Ok... I'll text you later... Love you too... Here you go." She said as she handed me my phone. I walked back to my bed and sat down as she got up and went to the bathroom.
"Thank you for calling me." He started off.
"You're welcome." I replied. "Why aren't you here liam? You said you would come in case this happened, if it's ok to tell me that is." I asked politely trying not to cross any boundaries.
"Your not crossing lines. It's just that Louis really wanted me to stay and Zayn wanted me to help him propose to Niall, so when I told Kacie all of this she felt terrible and began to tell me to stay and said that we'll come out to Chicago ourselves someday." He explained.
"Zayns going to propose?" I asked.
"Yeah but that's why we're planning now because it's not going to be until later this year, maybe New Year's Day." He said.
"Ohhh that's going to be cute!" I said keeping an eye out for Kacie.
"Where is she?" He asked.
"Bathroom. Why?"
"I'm worried for her. She had a dream about harry and at least she's being honest with me..." He sighed softly.
"Oh, well being honest is a step right? Does this happen often?" I asked
"No not really. It happened all the time when we first started dating, then she had an episode about a week or two before she came to Chicago. I'm just concerned." He stated.
"It's understandable I would be too." Kacie walked into the room and sat down on her bed.
"She back, I'll talk to you later. If you see Louis, slap his arm and give him a hug for me!" I smiled.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because I asked nicely?" I said.
"Alright, take care of her and call me if you need anything. Bye Camille." He chuckled then hung up. I placed my phone on the dark oak night stand that was in between our two beds and walked over to the other bed and sat down next to Kacie. She laid down and I followed her actions.
"You don't need to talk about it right now, but know that whenever you're ready to, I'm always here for you and my shoulder is open to be cried on." I told her softly as I listened to her breathing and stared at the ceiling.
"Thank you." She said softly and then turned her body. I looked over at her and saw she was facing me. So I did the same back.
"You truly are the best friend I could have ever have in my life." She said to me smiling softly.
"Awe thank you, I would do anything for you to be happy. You know that!" I said to her. She smiled and yawned into her hand.
"Sleepy? I'm going to go back to my bed ok? Night Kac." I said smiling and got out of her bed and made it to mine.
"Night Cam." I hear softly and allowed the night to take me back to sleep.

I could have sworn I heard soft cries but pretended to hear nothing.
A/N: I'm such shit lmao. Sorry it took me so long to write this chapter.... But it's back! Hi! I've missed you guys.... I've been lacking on writing and everything. Oops :D sorry it's kinda short. so what do you guys think? Let me know in the comments and on my Twitter! (@/daintylacedlou I changed it a while ago)

Life update: so I got Melatonin today (which is a natural hormone in your body and these pills will help balance out my sleeping and stuff basically.) so I'm excited to sleep for once. I have a shit sleeping schedule. For the first time in almost over a month I went to bed before 2:30 the other day. Christmas is next week and then it's 2015 and this is crazy....
But I'm going to go take my sleeping stuff (it's currently 2:07am fml) and try to sleep. Idk when I'll update but I'll try to do it before 2015!!!

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