Chapter 12

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"Oh come on! Its not that serious Zayn!" I laughed at him for being such a worry bug. He's worse than Liam sometimes!

"Well it's serious to me!" He replied.

I looked over to Liam who was staring at the hallway. I know he loves her, but sometimes it's crazy how much he cares for her.

"Yo, payno wuddupo?" I asked joking. He looked to me.

"Nothing, just... thinking." He said slowly.

"About your kiss with her?" I teased.

"N-no!" he replied instantly, cheeks turning redder by the second.

"Then what?" Niall asked playing with Zayns hand. He looked back to the hallway.

"She's been in the bathroom for a while..." he said quietly. That comment caught Zayns attention.

"Wh-what do you think she's doing?" He asked.

"Guys she said she's going pee. Let her pee in peace please?" I said to them hoping it would bring their worry levels down. "Liam if you keep looking down that hallway she'll never come out!" I joked.

"I know, but something is telling me different. Like she was hiding-" He stopped speaking and looked at Zayn. "What were you guys talking about in Louis' room?" He rushed. Zayn locked eyes with him and gasped lightly, in a non-dramatic way.

"We talked about what happened at Harry's, how she felt about that ring and the le- oh my god." He stopped what he was saying, gently moving Niall off on him and rushed off the couch. Liam was right behind him as they ran down the hall. Niall and I followed, confused on what was happening.

"Kacie?!" Zayn yelled.

"Kac!!" Liam yelled.

"Hey open up the door, love!" I joined.

"Please open up!" Niall said too.

We were all pounding on the door. When finally, the sound of the lock came undone and the door opened. Just enough for us to see her face and neck.

"Hmmmm?" she asked.

"Shit Kacie! Are you alright?" Zayn asked.

"Kac? What's wrong?" Liam asked.

"What took so long?" Niall asked.

"You scared me shitless, goodness!" I stated.

She looked at us for a few seconds as she let each question hit her.

"Yeah, um, it's kind of embarrassing but don't worry, I'm fine. Pr-promise." She said quietly.

Something was up, but I ignore it. She started to shut the door as Zayn, Niall, and I walked back to the main room. Liam not following us.



She's lying. She's about to breakdown she may say she's fine, but her eyes say different. They aren't the normal sparkling blue I see, they are a dull ugly blue that look ready to breakdown each tear, she hides from me. She may have Louis, Niall, and Zayn fooled, but she can never fool me. She started closing the door and the others started walking back. I put my foot in the door, stopping it from closing. She looked up to me with her dull eyes.

"Kacie, what's wrong? You promised me." She didn't look good. She looked a bit paler than before. I stepped closer to the door, hoping she'd let me in now that it's just us.

"Liam..." she said softly. So soft that I barely heard her speak. Next thing I knew she was falling. I pushed the door open and tried to grab her from hitting the ground, failed at doing so. I saw a small pool of her blood by the toilet with a piece of metal in the middle.

"LOUIS, ZAYN, NIALL!!" I screamed as I tried helping her. Niall came running to the door hands on each side. "Oh my god, Zayn! Call 999!!!!" he yelled behind him. Zayn came into the frame soon after and gasped grabbing his phone and started calling.

"No, no no no no no no no..." I mumbled over and over. "Kacie you promised me!" I said as Zayn was on the phone with someone. He was trying not to cry but was kind of failing at it. Niall was having an anxiety attack and Louis was holding him, trying to calm him down. I had to see the damage myself. I grabbed her left arm and pulled up her now dark maroon sleeve up. When I saw the damage I wanted to cry. There were about 7 deep cuts and 14 cuts that weren't as deep. The 7 were still bleeding, unfortunately. Zayn was off the phone now trying to comfort his boyfriend.

"Zayn! I need a damp towel with cold water, now!" I asked loudly. Zayn ran to the cabinet and grabbed a black rag and put it under the faucet, running cold water over it. He saw the cuts and started crying even harder as he handed me the towel. After giving me the towel, I moved her body so her head was resting against my chest. I put the towel to her cuts, hoping it would help the pain some. Her breathing was off and she looked paler. This is my fault, I should have noticed sooner that she wanted to do this.

"Excuse me? Were here for the girl?" A man dressed in an EMT outfit enters the bathroom with a stretcher behind him. He came up to her and checked her heartbeat, the wounds and some other things. I watched as he applied bandages to the wounds, taking mental notes just in case. I allowed him to take my girl away from me. He carefully picked her up and placed her on the stretcher. I got up and followed him. When we got to the main room a women in the same outfit helped the man bring Kacie out of the apartment. Zayn was holding Niall as he held him and Louis was rubbing his back. The moment Niall saw Kacie in the stretcher, he started crying all over again. Zayn took his head and buried it into his chest and whispered words of encouragement into his ear. This only cause Niall to cry harder and louder. He kissed his boyfriend on top of his head and Zayn himself let a few tears go. Louis looked at me with sad filled blue eyes.

"I'm going-"

"You have right. Just keep us updated please." He said to me getting off the couch and walking over to me. "Please stay strong, not for yourself, but for her too." He said with years threatening to spill. I weakly smiled at him and we hugged each other. "You better go..." He said softly. I nodded and left the apartment. I walked down the stairs and outside to see the ambulance. I walked up to it and was stopped by the man from earlier.

"Only family sir." He said

"She has no family." I replied.

"Noah, let him through. We found him with her therefore their relationship is important." The female EMT said to Noah. He looked at me and opened the back door for me. I got in and took a seat next to her. I instantly grabbed her hand and let my head hang low. I really didn't know I was crying until I felt my tears land on my arms.

"How could I let this happen to the most important thing in my life? What triggered her to do this? What if she dies? what if she did this on purpose and doesn't want to be saved?" My brain continued to think this. When a slight grip on my hand pulled me out of the questioning sea. Her blue eyes were on mine, barely open, ready to drift off away without me. I leaned forward as the ambulance started moving and the sirens going off. I placed my lips to her temple.

"I love you Kacie, stay strong." I said to her as she drifted off away, leaving me to clean up the brokenness of my heart.


A/N: back to back update!? Only because I won't be able to post anything this weekend because it's my SENIOR PROM. guys schools coming to an end for me!!! :D

Anyways, thoughts? Louis' point of view??? I like it haha but let me know what you think! Im trying to figure out an actress to play Kacie. Any ides? She has blue eyes, hair im not worried for because it can be dyed... It would mean alot if you all helped me...

Follow my twitter for updates on when I'm going to post.


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