one ; the princess

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i. the princess

━ ❝ from ashes to glory ❞

━ ❝ from ashes to glory ❞

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THERE WEREN'T A lot of things in his life that made him happy. But Malcolm knew for a fact that his five-year-old daughter was one of them. She even made number one on the list. His son ranked at number three or maybe even number two. To the girl, she never noticed the happiness and proud gleam in his eyes whenever she was around. Everyone in the village could see it. Even young Rumple, who tried to get his father to look at him that same way. To no avail.

Rumplestiltskin never hated his sister and he never would. She was his flesh and blood. His family. His little sister. But watching Malcolm ran around a field with Melody, twirling her around and playing, did make him feel jealous, also a bit sad. If only he could be running around with them too.

"Papa!" Melody screamed playfully, as she laughed. Malcolm picked her up and twirled her around. She laughed once again and Malcolm laughed with her, smiling widely. Rumple frowned and his eyes moved down to the dirt floor he sat upon.

"I found you," Malcolm father declared. Even if it was obvious, it was the game. He set her down and she pouted. Malcolm smiled and moved her pouted lips up into a smile. "Now a beautiful girl like you shouldn't pout or frown."

Melody smiled and Malcolm smiled back at her, bopping her nose. He knew she would be destined for great things he could just tell. Maybe it was because he knew she visited Neverland in her dreams. Melody was happy in her life but Malcolm━for some reason━knew she found the island magnificent and beautiful. He didn't bother with Rumple. For he didn't think the boy would at all. Melody wrapped her little arms around her father and hugged him.

"I love you, papa," she said. 

He sighed and Melody could feel his smile. "I love you too my little princess."


There is always that shred of a moment when you feel like the whole world is crashing down on top of you and there's no one to pull you away before it does fall on you, crushing you until you're in pieces. The fear of no one being there to pull you away in time is indescribable. And the fear of no one being with you at all is even worse.

That is what Melody felt when she woke up to the sound of waves crashing hitting the shore. The fear of no one being around her scared the five-year-old to no end. She was alone. Panic overwhelmed her and she couldn't even form the words to scream for someone.

"Melody!" someone yelled in worry from the forest behind her. Melody turned and realized that her father was the one who had yelled for her.

✓ 1. | BROKE HER ➸ ONCE UPON A TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now