four ; peaceful

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iv. peaceful

━ ❝ i need everything to stop ❞

━ ❝ i need everything to stop ❞

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CRYING. SOMETHING EMMA Swan hadn't found herself doing a lot since she'd grown up. But as she held two unconscious children in her arms as she cried was definitely something she didn't think she'd be doing. The blonde was worried for the both of them. Henry was poisoned and Isabelle had extreme headaches that pained her to the point where she screamed in agony. That wasn't normal. But she couldn't believe that Regina had actually tried to poison her. Regina wouldn't do that, right? Emma couldn't deny the truth though, the mayor had poisoned the turnover. 

The ambulance finally reached Mary Margaret's apartment and they rushed in. And older female saw Emma with two children in her arms. "We thought there was only one," the older female said confused.

"Isabelle's been having extreme headaches. She passed out from the pain," Emma explained as she looked at the two kids in worry. The blonde didn't know what she would do with herself if the two ended more hurt they already were because of her. She felt like it was her job to protect them no matter what. And it was Regina's fault that this was happening. The medics put both Henry and Isabelle in stretchers and rolled them into the ambulance at a fast pace. Emma took a deep breath and followed close behind.


Darkness was the only thing she could see. Isabelle tried to feel around but everything was pitch black. It was endless. When she looked down she couldn't even see herself and when she went to put her hands up, she felt numb. The brunette couldn't even feel her own hand. Fear started overwhelming her and then tiny tears made their way down her face. But that was it━she couldn't feel the tears either.

"Help!" she tried screaming. Nothing came out, there was no sound at all. So, couldn't hear, see, or feel anything. She was trapped in her own mind.


The ambulance had finally arrived at the hospital and the medics jumped out and hurried to the back, rolling the two kids into the hospital. Emma ran after them to keep up but then the two kids were rolled into a room and Emma pushed a nurse out of her way to enter. The blonde rushed over to the kid's sides and started pleading for them to wake up as tears filled her eyes once again.

"Ma'am, let me take you to-" one of the nurses started. 

Emma turned to her and snapped, "No, I am not going anywhere!"

Dr. Whale rushed in, removing a flashlight from his vest pocket. "There's no pupil response from either of them. What happened?" Dr. Whale asked as he opened Isabelle's eyes and moved the flashlight across them.

✓ 1. | BROKE HER ➸ ONCE UPON A TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now