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The Truth And Secrets


SHE WASN'T GOING TO CRY. Melody refused to seem weak though the frustration made her hard for her not to. There wasn't a way out. Pan had thought of everything; getting rid of the magic books, sealing off every entrance, she even tried busting through the wall but it proved to be indestructible. Couldn't he just have trusted her? Sure, she was honest when she said she thought it was wrong to turn her family against each other, but she never said anything rude during that conversation or something that indicated that she was turning her back on him.

And here she was, locked in a room with nowhere to go or escape. Heck, not even any of the potion bottles helped.

Sighing in frustration, Melody looked out the window where she could see the boys. Pan sat sharpening and Felix sat next to him. Angry tears sparked in her eyes but they didn't fall. He didn't deserve the satisfaction.

But what was she going to do? And when - or if - the others ever found her, who would she choose? Them?

Or her father?


Felix sat silently, even though he wanted to punch the immortal leader in the face. The second in command just couldn't believe that Pan had locked Melody in the treehouse. And the only way to escape was if Melody accepted that she was staying on the island, that she couldn't go back with her family. It was sick and twisted, then again, most things in Neverland were.

Pan inhaled sharply and Felix looked at him.

"What is it?" he asked.

Pan exhaled. "Someone's leaving Neverland."

"Where? How shall we stop them?"

"It's too late. Don't worry, Felix. We simply need to get word to our friends on the ground."

"In Storybrooke?"

"They can handle this. All it does is move up our timetable a touch. We need to get Henry ready," Pan told him as he stood up. "And I need to have a chat with our friend in the other cage."

Before he walked away, Felix stopped him. "Melody. Does she know the spell you put on the treehouse to keep her in there?"


He walked away and Felix walked toward the treehouse. Melody still sat on the bed, her head against the board. Felix walked in and she looked at him.

"What?" she asked.

"I know how you can get out of here," Felix told her.

Melody sat up, looking curious. "And how's that?"

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