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Great, Another Curse


I know this chapter might be unrealistic, but please, I don't want to hear it


BEING BACK IN STORYBROOKE was like a breath of fresh air, except Melody just wasn't in the mood. Her eyes weren't bloodshot anymore but she was still angry and tried to stay clear of her family. True, she was mad at them, but she was also afraid of losing control of her magic since she was so angry.

"Henry" exited the ship first and paused as he looked at everything around him. He then walked off, followed by his mom, his grandparents, and his sister who hung in the back. Granny immediately engulfed Henry in a hug and so did Leroy. And once the teen stepped off the deck, Granny went over to her and embraced her.

Melody smiled slightly and hugged back, not knowing Henry was watching her, to see what her reactions were to being back in the fairytale town. The brunette then caught sight of a familiar wolf and she couldn't help but smile as she ran over and hugged Ruby.

"Melody!" Ruby exclaimed, hugging the girl.

The teen hugged her back and smiled. "It's good to see you, Ruby."

Emma went over to Henry who was still watching Melody confusedly. She noticed but didn't acknowledge it.

"How does it feel to finally be home?" Emma asked "Henry".

"Better than I ever imagined," Henry lied smoothly.

Emma didn't seem to notice and the two watched as the teen pulled away from Ruby and looked around.

"You alright Mel?" Emma asked, getting her attention.

Melody looked at her and scoffed. "Is that even really a question?"

Emma sighed as the girl walked away. Henry walked her leave with a small smile, happy that Melody wasn't upset with him. Melody walked over to Felix as he descended from the ship. She huffed and flicked a piece of hair out of her eyes. Approaching him, the second in command looked at her with a small smile.

"Hey. How you feeling?" he asked.

Melody sighed, not going to blow up on him like she did with Emma. "Not great."

He looked around before pulling her over, making sure no one was listening. The girl raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Look," he started. "About Pan... he's alright."

She gave him an unimpressed look. "How is he ok? He's stuck inside a box."

"He's not."

Glancing behind her, she made sure no one was listening before turning back to Felix. "What do you mean he's not in the box?"

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