ten ; stupid message man

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x. stupid message man

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CANDY. IT WAS hard for the teen to choose which one she wanted to buy. Chocolate was her all-time favorite so she walked over to where the Hershey's were located and grabbed three bars. She walked away only to be greeted by a display of chewing gum. Her eyes widened, then darted to the side in search of Emma before she raced towards the rack, grabbing two ten packs of Polar Ice: her favorite.

Holding all of the candy in her grasp, she walked back over to Emma and Henry who were grabbing the taco shells. Melody dropped the candy and gum into the basket, wiping her hands together like she had dust on them when she clearly didn't.

The savior rose an eyebrow at her items. "Seriously kid?"

Melody shrugged, a smirk playing on her lips. "I could've gotten a soda, but I didn't."

Emma still didn't look happy but didn't argue it, knowing she was right. After all, if given the option, the brunette would gladly buy the entire chocolate section. So she was lucky all the teen grabbed was a few chocolate bars and some gum. "Fine."

She got a smile of triumph in return as they walked over to the counter to pay.


There was nothing wrong with the apartment when the three entered and Melody called out.

"Hey! Guess what?" Melody said as they walked in, "taco shells were on sale."

"Apparently, tacos? Not a big item in the Enchanted-" Emma started but they all rounded the corner to see Mary Margaret and David still in bed. Mary Margaret pulled the covers up to her chest and Melody's jaw fell slack as she blushed in embarrassment.

"What are you guys still doing in bed? It's the middle of the afternoon," Henry asked confused.

The teen didn't want to be there anymore so she quickly turned and walked to the kitchen, suddenly interested in the fridge.

"The trip back was tiring, and I needed to rest," Mary Margaret lied.

"And I needed to... Help her rest," David added. 

Melody did not appreciate their explanation and banged her head against the fridge. "I hate you fridge. I freaking hate you." 

"Uh, let's... Let's go make the tacos. We have to make a lot because there's going to be a ton of people at Granny's welcome back party tonight," Emma said as she pushed Henry towards the kitchen where Melody was still hitting her head on the fridge.

"You ok, Melody?" he asked.

The brunette nodded turning to look at him. "Just peachy."

"We thought you were going to be back later," Mary Margaret whispered to Emma, which was clearly heard by Melody.

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