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In Reverse


THE MEMORY WAS FRESH IN HER mind and Melody sobbed, clinging to the sheets. She couldn't believe she had said that. How could she have acted that way? Pan was just trying to protect her and she lashed out. Hate filled her body. Hate for herself.

Pan had left not too long ago and she went to apologize to only find him gone. Melody had collapsed on the bed and had been crying for the past... who even knew at this point. She was mentally exhausted. She was tired.

She was weak and pathetic. Melody had broken her own father, cracking the shell that covered all of his true emotions.

And the fact that the teen wanted him back so he could hold her, comfort her, tell her that everything was going to be ok, made her feel even worse about herself.

What was wrong with her?


Concentration was key. But that didn't mean it was difficult. Everything was silent around him but it was still hard. It was like everything was blank, nothing was happening.

"You can't see the future here," someone said, breaking Gold's focus. Gold's eyes snapped open to see Pan standing in front of him. "It's impossible to see the future in a place where time stands still."

Pan's face was void of emotion, but Gold didn't bother wondering why.

"I may not see the future here, but I can make one happen," Gold threatened.

Pan raised an eyebrow. "Was that a threat?" He scoffed then smirked. "And here I made you your favorite breakfast... eggs in a basket. I still don't understand how you liked them. Melody didn't care for them. But I thought you could use it. You looked a little down in the dumps."

"I'm fine."

"Sure you are, Rumple. You lost your son, Neal. Again. And Henry and Melody are unattainable because... well, you'd have to go through me, and we both know you can't." Pan walked over to the food and picked it up. "You still like the yolk runny, don't you?"

"What do you want?" Gold asked.

"Well, if you won't eat, then I will." Pan took a bite out of the food and talked as he chewed. "I'm just trying to point out the silver lining in your cloudy life."

"That by killing you, all our troubles end?" Gold guessed.

Pan chuckled. "We both know that's not going to happen, because the only way to do that is for you to die, too. You can go, leave the island."

"And abandon my son? Henry? And my sister? I not leaving them here with you, especially Melody. I don't think so."

"Look, even if you did save them... which you won't... what would be the point? They'll never forgive you for all the horrible things you've done. Melody would never go to you. Not after she realizes the truth."

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