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Why Did You Leave Me


THE BRUNETTE ATE HER EGGS AS SHE WATCHED EMMA RUN AROUND THE APARTMENT IN A HASTE. The blonde was grabbing anything she thought she'd needed. Melody rolled her eyes.

"Can I come?" she asked.

Emma didn't turn to her as she replied. "Nope."

Melody smirked but covered it up as she spoke.

"But Cora's out there somewhere. And I'm not safe here and neither is Henry. No one has magic powerful enough that can stop her if something happens. And I'm not skilled in magic so I'm helpless."

Emma looked over at her and made a face, signaling she knew Melody was making an excuse.

"Right. Sure..."

Melody got up and walked over to her.

"But Emma, it's scary here all by myself. Please let me and Henry come with you."

"I don't know Melody it might be dangerous and-"

"Jezz Emma just let us come with you!" Melody exclaimed, stopping her act and crossing her arms over her chest.

Emma looked over at Mary Margaret who was watching nearby and the former bandit shook her head.

"I'm not helping you."

Emma glared and looked back at Melody.

"Can we please go, mom," Henry, who had just came down the stair, pleaded.

Emma looked between Melody and Henry before sighing.

"Fine." Melody smiled and Henry pumped his fist in the air. "Get your things."

Henry ran out the room and so did Melody. But the teen came back in under 15 seconds flat, with her bag in hand. Emma gaped in shock.

"How did you-"

"I knew you'd let me come, so I packed early," Melody said smiling innocently.

Emma gave her a look and was about to say something back when a knock interrupted them. The blonde already knew who it was so she went and opened it.

"Ready to go, Miss Swan?" Gold asked as he stepped in.

"Almost," came the reply.

Gold saw Melody with a small backpack and a smug smile and he narrowed his eyes confusedly. Henry bounded down the staircase with his coat and looked to his sister and mom.

"Do you think we'll be cold where we're going, or warm?" he asked.

"I think layers are always a good idea," Melody replied, digging through her bag to get her coat.

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