eight ; the new brother

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viii. the new brother

━ ❝ a replacement for your broken heart ❞

━ ❝ a replacement for your broken heart ❞

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"AURORA WHERE'S MELODY?" Emma questioned. The sentence caused Emma, Mary Margaret, Aurora, and Mulan all go into a state of panic. Not even two seconds ago did Aurora wake up explaining that she had seen Henry and the teen girl was sleeping nearby. Or so they thought.

The three jolted up and looked around frantically. "Melody!"


The magical black cuff curves around her wrist, sending a spark up her arm. Melody looked up at the beanstalk she had climbed just a few hours prior. Only this time she was saving someone she hardly knew. Hook was a pirate who was working with the same person who kidnapped her. And here she was, climbing a beanstalk to save him.

She didn't know why she was risking her life just to save the one-handed pirate. Her first thought was that she was desperate for an older brother. Someone who actually cared about her. Melody thought Hook could be that person.

Nothing had changed when she arrived back in the treasure room; Hook was still chained to the wall, his head hanging low and the Giant was going through his treasure. "Um excuse me," Melody spoke up, grabbing Hook and the Giant's attention.

"Melody?" Hook said confused. "What are you doing here?"

The brunette just looked over at the giant and nodded her head once. "I got it from here, thanks..." she trailed off.


"Thank you, Anton."

The giant nodded and walked away. Hook followed him with his eyes until he was gone. He looked back at her. "Melody, what are you doing?" He seemed genuinely confused as to why she came back to her. Never in his life did he expect that a child would potentially risk their lives to save him. He nearly laughed because of how ridiculous it sounded.

She walked over to the perplexed pirate, grabbed a pin from the floor, and started picking the lock. Without knowing the correct spell, she decided to get him out the old fashion way. "Helping you. You gave Emma your trust and she betrayed it."

His eyebrow rose. "So you're going to let me out?"


Melody had finished picking the lock and the chains fell to the floor with a clang. The two started exiting the castle and made their way to the beanstalk. Hook followed her. "You do realize Cora is probably looking for you while we speak. I don't think it was wise to come here alone," Hook pointed out.

✓ 1. | BROKE HER ➸ ONCE UPON A TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now