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She'll Be Alright


THE SMELL OF EGGS AND BACON made Melody jump up out of bed and run down the stairs. Emma and David were in the kitchen and Mary Margaret was sitting in bed with a blank expression. The teen snatched a piece of bacon from the plate and started eating it as she prepared her breakfast.

"Morning!" she pipped, turning to the two who were looking at her.

"Morning," they both responded.

David grabbed an egg from the pan that Melody left and set it on a plate that was on top of a tray. The teen looked over and realized what he was doing.

"Breakfast in bed? Seriously?" she said.

David set down the tray and looked at her.

"What happened has been really hard on Mary Margaret. The least we can do is make sure she's eating," David said.

"I agree with Melody. I think it's time to give the hot cocoa and the foot massages a rest. It's time to haul her ass out of bed and get her to move past this," Emma spoke up.

"Thank you, Emma," Melody said.

David looked over at her and Melody stood with her arms over her chest.

"That's a little harsh don't you think?" he asked, "she took Cora's life."

Henry came down the stairs and looked at them.

"Is everything ok?" he questioned.

"Everything's fine, kid. Get your coat, we're going to be late," Emma told him.

Melody sighed and turned, going to grab her jacket. She grabbed her black coat and Henry said bye to David before leaving.

"I know you think she needs our help. But at the end of the day, she's the only one who can help herself," Emma told David, and then went and got her coat as well.

The blonde left and Melody stood for a moment and looked at David.

"Emma's right. You can't just hold her hand through everything. She needs to pull herself through."

Then she left, closing the door behind her.


Melody exited the car and shut the door behind her. She followed Emma as the three walked up the path and toward Granny's inn. Henry raced in front of them and swung open the door. They got inside and Neal greeted them with a smile.

"Hey, buddy! How are you?" Neal asked as he and Henry hugged.

"I'm good. I brought this," Henry said as he pulled out his storybook, "I thought you could tell me what it was really like over there."

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