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WITH THE STORYBROOKE GROUP finally being together once again (and new members joining), Melody had come up with the idea of making a house that would fit all of them. And of course, she was the head of it all, drawing the blueprints, shopping for furniture, and making sure everything went according to plan.

The house was finished in a matter of a few months with the whole town pitching in to help.

Everyone got along (as best as they could at least) and everyone was happy.

Pan and Regina became civilized with each other though still didn't really like each other. Everyone was still skeptic about Gold but eventually, he became part of the group, making amends with them.

But alas, Pan and Hook were still enemies. Hook would always be teasing Pan about how he and Melody were great friends and the charm that was still in the pirate's possession. Pan wasn't very happy about his daughter being friends with his enemy but for her sake, he allowed it.

Pan and Felix were happy together and Melody was all for it. She always would smile when she saw them even hold hands. Her dad deserved to be happy and she knew that.

Henry and Melody became close again and were back to being the normal teasing siblings they were under the curse.

Emma and Hook got together eventually and Neal had moved on and had fallen in love with someone else.

Regina had met a man by the name of Robin Hood and found out that he was the man with the lion tattoo. Her true love. The two then got together and were as happy as could be

Mary Margaret and David had another child and were happy as ever. Gold and Belle got married and also had a child of their own.

And the town was as it should be. But no one in the town knew that only in a few years, Melody Mills would want to explore the world.

And in doing so she would meet tons of new people, make some friends, some enemies, and...

She would fall in love with someone she wasn't supposed to


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