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Only The Beginning


IT WAS ALL HER FAULT. If she had just given him another chance, this wouldn't have happened and Melody knew that. That sinking feeling in her chest when she saw the sight at the town line was unbearable.

Belle was looking around confused while Gold tried to comfort her, Hook was bloody, bruised, and unconscious, lying on the ground, and there was an outsider that had crashed in a boulder, their window smashed.

David got out of the cruiser, followed by Mary Margaret, Emma, and Melody, and ran toward Gold and Belle. Emma got out her radio and called for help.

"I'm at the town line. Two people down, maybe three. There's a car - pretty banged up with Pennsylvania plates," Emma said through the radio.

Melody spotted Hook and without thinking, she ran over. Her eyes filled with angry tears. Not at him, but at herself.

"Hook! I'm sorry-"

He chuckled but groaned from the pain. "I thought you didn't believe in me?"

"I'm sorry, I know it's my fault-"

Hook managed a smile.

"It's not your fault, love."

"What's going on?" Melody overheard David ask Gold.

She turned her head to see Gold looking completely and utterly shocked. Only then did she notice Belle not too far, looking scared. Then she saw where she was. Melody looked back at Hook.

"You shot her over the line!?" she yelled.

"She crossed over the line. She doesn't remember," Gold told David.

Hook didn't look at all guilty for his action and that made Melody get angrier. Emma ran over to them and leaned down.

"Hey, beautiful. Here, I didn't think you'd notice," Hook smirked to Emma.

The blonde ignored him and she pushed on his ribs. Hook yelled in pain and Melody sighed, wiping her tears, trying to calm herself before she lit something on fire.

"His ribs are broken," she observed, looking at his other wounds.

"Oh, that must be why it hurts when I laugh." Hook laughed and then groaned. But his victorious smirk stayed in place. "Did you see his face? His one true love, gone in an instant! Just like Milah, crocodile! When you took her from me..."

"But you took her first," Gold protested with an angry yell.

Then he lunged at Hook, digging his cane into his neck.

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