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The Beginning Of A Fairytale


SOMETHING TUGGED AT HIM, told him to go back to the hospital. There was something off and Pan knew it. So he turned back around and ran to the hospital.

Meanwhile, the Blue Fairy had just finished up with the potion and was on her way to the hospital along with the rest of the StoryBrooke gang. None of them knew that Gold was in Melody's room, holding his sister's lifeless body, sobbing.

Pan had reached the hospital just as the others did. They saw him and Emma waved him over. He went over to them.

"You got it?" he asked.

The Blue Fairy nodded, holding up the potion. "Right here."

"And you're sure it'll work," David said, worried that the potion wouldn't work. But everyone else was worried as well.

"Yes. I'm positive."

Pan nodded, feeling hope. He was going to get his daughter back. And then he'd make up for all of the wrongs he did. Because Pan didn't want to lose her again. He couldn't.

But there was still that feeling in his chest. Like something was off.

They all entered the hospital and walked to Melody's room. Henry was practically bouncing for joy at the thought of getting his sister back. The Blue Fairy opened the door and everyone walked in. She gasped and everyone went wide-eyed at the scene.

Gold was on the floor as he sobbed, Melody's lifeless body lying in her bed.

Regina screamed in horror and Pan felt the air leave his lungs. He collapsed, tears filling his eyes. And the whole world seemed to stop as they all burst into tears.

Mary Margaret fell into David as she sobbed and Henry fell into Emma's arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Hook had fallen to the floor in shock and was sobbing just like the rest of them. Felix was holding Pan as the immortal boy sobbed at the loss of his one and only daughter.

Pan's eyes became furious and he lunged for Gold, hitting him repeatedly.

"You killed her!" Gold didn't fight back. "You killed my daughter!"

Felix pulled him back, trying so hard to be the stronger one. "Peter!"

"No! He killed her!" he sobbed, too heartbroken to fight back as Felix held him. "She's dead!"

Henry screamed in agony and held onto Emma. Everyone was in shambles. The Blue Fairy hurried over to her and felt the girl's head, seeing if she was really gone.

No pulse

A tear left her eye and she put the potion on the table next to the bed.

"No! My baby!" Regina sobbed, yelling anguish. "She can't be gone!"

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