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Fallen Too Far


ESCAPING WASN'T EVEN A THOUGHT that crossed her mind. Pan was trying, she knew that. And he was trying to keep his promise, but with his plan, it proved difficult. Melody wasn't about to walk out of camp and find her family, even though she missed them.

But she knew Pan was still planning something with Henry (she knew that he was lying and wasn't telling her something), Neal was alive, and her family was still coming to save her and Henry. What was she supposed to do? Escaping wasn't an option. She wouldn't just leave, it was wrong. Or she could stay in camp and pretend that everything was ok.

Choosing neither option, she ran a finger through her hair and walked out of the treehouse.

The boys were climbing up the trees by the ropes to see who could get to the top of the tree first when she walked out.

"Melody!" one of the boys called, motioning her over.

She rolled her eyes but smiled slightly. "You guys are going to make me climb, aren't you?"


She smirked. "Fine."

None of the lost boys had reached the top yet and she felt determined to do it first. That would make Pan proud right? Waving her hand, she made a hair tie appear. She tied her hair into a high ponytail and then gripped her hands on the rope. Though the tree was high, it made her feel more determined.

The boy on the tree next to her fell off and hit the dirt floor. But the boys continued to cheer her on. Melody felt her grip loosen and tried to calm down as she continued to pull herself up. The top of the tree was near and she felt a relief once she hit the top. She swung onto the tree and perched herself on the branch.

The lost boys whooped and cheered and she could see Henry with a stunned expression on his face. Pan walked out of the woods and saw the boys cheering. Raising an eyebrow, he followed their gaze and looked up to see Melody on the branch of the tree where none of the lost boys had gotten. He felt a proud smile appear on his face and he laughed slightly. Felix stood next to him and smiled as well.

"She is just like you."

Pan looked at him, still smiling. "I know."

Melody got up and went back to the rope as she climbed down. When she hit the bottom, she smiled widely. The boys congratulated her and cheered, clapping with smiles. Never had Melody ever felt this happy. A grin overtook her face and she laughed.

The lost boys then were shoving each other out of the way as they tried to reach the top like she had. Melody watched as they climbed, to only fall, which made her laugh even more. Escaping didn't even cross her mind now. Why would she want to escape from a place like this?

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