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Fatherly Instincts


THE WHOLE TOWN WAS ON EDGE. Everyone was worried that the young girl that lied in the hospital room, suffering from memory loss, would never remember who she was or anyone of them. It was easy to the say that the fairytale town wouldn't be the same without Melody Mills. The girl was always the one who picked them all up when they felt down. No one felt the same without the bright and happy teen around. Ruby wasn't even the same.

She slowly cleaned the tables as she fought the tears. Ever since the curse had been cast, she and Melody had always had a close relationship, like sisters really. Without the girl, she didn't feel as happy anymore. And everyone else felt the same way.


Henry was walking the halls of the hospital to Melody's room when he caught sight of Pan outside the door against the wall. The immortal boy had his head on his knees as he looked down. His eyes were red and puffy, it clear to Henry that the immortal boy was crying all night. Felix wasn't there and Henry had remembered he saw the second in command getting some coffee for the boy, Emma helping him out since he'd never used one before.

The blonde was skeptical in trusting the two Neverland inhabitants, but she could see the way they looked at each other. And besides, Pan was Melody's father and Felix was there because he cared about Melody too. But he was also there to support Pan and help him through this.

Henry walked over to him and sat beside him.

"I'm surprised you're sitting next to me. After all, I did try and take your heart then proceeded to switch bodies with you and got you stuck in Pandora's Box," Pan pointed out, lifting his head to lay it against the wall.

Henry shrugged. "Yeah so? My mom hasn't done the best things either. Neither has my grandfather. And you're Melody's dad. You meant a lot to her."

Pan looked over at him, looking confused. "So we're good then?"

Henry nodded and stood up. "Everyone's having breakfast in the cafeteria. Why don't you come?"

Pan shook his head. "I'm not sure your family would like that very much."

"Well, that sucks seeing as your family."

Pan smirked and chuckled slightly. "I suppose you have a point."

He got up and followed Henry to the cafeteria.

"Melody will remember. She's not gone forever. Think positive. The heroes always win," Henry said positively.

Pan made a face. "Well I'm not actually a hero am I?"

"You'll get there. Even the evilest villain has some good in them."

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