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Love Isn't Weakness


The story is now AU from now all the way to end!


THE TEARS DIDN'T STOP and it was the only time that the StoryBrooke group had seen the immortal boy so broken and showing actual human emotion.

"We have to do something. We can fix," Regina insisted as she knelt down beside her daughter, trying to take her away from Pan's grasp.

Pan looked up and glared at her. "Get away from my daughter."

"Excuse me. Your daughter? You left her, remember? And I'm her mother legally. You have no rights to her anymore."

She went to take Melody again but Emma stopped her.

"Just leave him be Regina."

Everyone was surprised by the blonde's words but no one argued. Regina glared at Emma and stood back up, looking down at Pan with anger. Mother Superior ran to the scene with Tinker Bell behind her.

"What's going on?" Mother Superior asked. She saw Melody in Pan's arms and gasped. "Oh my goodness. Is she alright?"

Pan looked up at her with anger. "Does she look ok?!"

Mother Superior flinched back but then sighed and bent down. She hovered her hand above Melody's forehead and Pan pushed her hand away from his daughter.

"What are you doing?" he hissed.

"Seeing what she did. And seeing if she's even alive," Mother Superior replied calmly.

Pan said nothing for a moment then nodded. Felix put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly and Pan looked up at him with tears. The immortal boy squeezed his hand and looked back down at his daughter as Mother Superior over Melody's forehead. Everyone watched with anxious looks as the fairy removed her head with a frantic expression.

"Call the hospital quick. She's hanging by a thread," she revealed.

Emma quickly got out her phone and everyone watched with worried looks. Melody had a chance of dying.

"What did she do?" Hook asked Mother Superior.

"She cast a very powerful spell. She saved Pan, stopped the curse, all in one spell," she told him.

"What was her price?" Regina asked fearfully.

"Well, since the spell was so powerful, she lost her memories of who we all are, who she is. And her magic is gone, but over time, it should come back."

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