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Fight It Together


SHE COULDN'T SLEEP. After tossing and turning for hours she finally gave up. Melody had thought if she went to bed early, she'd fall asleep faster, which didn't happen. She was happy that her brother was safe and sound now but it was a close call. She was so close to losing her brother.

Drawing had always helped her when she needed to clear her head. So Melody sat up right against the backboard of her bed and laid her sketchbook in her lap. Her pencil glided across the paper and she became calm. There was just something about drawing that cleared her head, calming her. Maybe it was because of the way her eyes focused on the page or the way she just poured her heart out when drawing.

It was only after she finished did she realize what she had drawn. Her calm face became sad and her body tensed.

The drawing was of her father clutching onto her tiny hand. The memory buried itself inside her head and she felt her veins starting to burn. Her eyes filled with no tears because she did not feel sad.

She was angry.


Pan paced back and forth in his treehouse as he was deep in thought. He wasn't one for patience. The immortal boy couldn't stand all the waiting considering he was so close to finally getting his daughter back. Greg was now in StoryBrooke so all that was left was to get Tamara to town, then Henry and Melody would finally be on Neverland.

He was about to exit the treehouse when he caught the glowing of the crystal ball out of the corner of his eye. Raising an eyebrow, he walked over and saw Melody.


Anger was the only thing she felt coursing through her. She was not going to waste any more tears on him. She refused.

The teen ripped the sketch and held it in her hands. Her brown eyes focused on the piece of paper and she felt a burning sensation run through her. And then, the sketch was on fire. Melody did not flinch from the pain, even if the fire was burning her.

Downstairs, Emma and David were talking when they both smelled smoke. Without even a thought, they both raced up the stairs and Emma swung open the door on the scene.

Melody did notice them enter until Emma sprinted over to her and when David snatched the sketch throwing it on the ground, putting the fire out. Emma wrapped her arms around the brunette and looked down at the girl's burnt hand.

"Melody! Melody!" Emma spoke in worry.

Melody blinked a few times before realizing what happened. Her body froze in shock and she didn't respond as Emma and David continued to call her name.

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