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Bad Things Happen To Good People


LIFE HAD BEEN CRUEL TO HER. Life had thrown rocks at her at first, then it threw boulders. But the girl tried to dodge them to the best of her ability, but of course, she got hit. She wasn't ready. She wasn't ready to forgive the past. Yet here she was, in the one realm she didn't want to see until she was truly ready to face it head-on. But she knew she had to be strong. Just like her mother had told her to be, knowing that the girl had spent so many tears on the past and the results of them.

And things only seemed to get harder. And she so desperately wanted to catch her breath. She needed to breathe again. She needed to be free. She wanted to be free. But she also needed to know why. Why her mother had left when she was so young. Why her father gave her and her brother up for a selfish reason. Why her father didn't care about Gold. She wanted to know why.

Just maybe if she knew the truth, she could finally rid of that weight on her shoulders that brought her down for so many years. Nothing added up. Nothing did. She was lied to for so long and she was sick of it. The truth was the one thing she couldn't die without knowing. Though she knew, the only way to find out the truth, was to face her father again.

Melody had to face the person who plagued her nightmares.


The four landed on the sand with a thump and with all the strength she had, Melody tried to get up. Henry ran over to her and was about to help her up when Greg grabbed him, pulling him back.

"Slow down, guys. You got nowhere to go," he told them.

Tamara sighed in relief, smiling. "We made it. Mission accomplished."

Melody stood up and held her head, trying to steady herself.

"Are you sure about that? 'Cuz my mom is coming to get us. Both of them," Henry said.

"You might wanna take a look around, kid. Do you see any clock towers? You're a long way from Storybrooke," Greg pointed out

"It doesn't matter! My family's been to the Enchanted Forest before, and they can get here again."

They all hear a weird howling noise and Tamara looked around.

"Well, we're not in the Enchanted Forest. This is Neverland," she said.

Melody finally became steady and her heart sunk. Her body froze and she felt her breathing become jagged.

"Neverland? You're here to destroy Neverland?" Henry said in disbelief, not noticing his sister's odd behavior.

"It's the mother lode of magic," Tamara explained. She turned to Greg. "Where's the communicator? We need to signal the Home Office."

He took the communicator out of the backpack and handed it to her.

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