six ; deep breath

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vi. deep breath

━ ❝ take a breath, don't let go ❞

━ ❝ take a breath, don't let go ❞

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IT FELT STRANGE: being in the Enchanted Forest again after so many years. And Melody didn't think she'd be tied up in the back of a wagon, kidnapped by none other than Aurora and Mulan. She didn't expect Aurora to be so stuck up and she didn't expect Mulan to be so rude. Neither of the two so-called "Disney Princess" showed her, Emma, or Mary Margaret no kindness whatsoever. To say her kid self-was disappointed was an understatement. As they traveled, Melody made out small huts and people gathered around as they all did their designated jobs.

"What is this place?" Melody asked, letting the question roll off her tongue. She got a roll of an eye from Aurora and a vague answer from Mulan.

"Our home."

People turned their heads their way when they passed by. Some giving them looks of pity and some just simply watching with no expressions. Mulan stopped the wagon and got out along with Aurora. Mulan grabbed them and pulled them off the wagon, pushing them forward. Melody glared fiercely but followed the direction Mulan directed them too. As the three looked around, they noticed the small number of people that were gathered in the small camp.

"It's like they're refugees," Emma commented.

"We're survivors," Mulan disagreed.

Realizing Mulan had let her guard down to counter Emma's comment, Melody took the opportunity to swing around and knee Aurora in the gut, giving her, Emma, and Mary Margaret a head start. But Mulan was quicker and punched Mary Margaret across the face — knocking her unconscious. The two stopped and ran over to the ex-bandit.

"Mary Margaret! Mary Margaret! What did you do?!" Emma demanded.

Mulan glared distastefully at the blonde and the teen girl next to her. "Take them to the pit. All of them," she ordered. Three guards came up to them and one grabbed Emma, the other grabbed Melody, and the other one grabbed the unconscious princess. The two conscious ones struggled against them but were thrown into the dungeon.

"Be careful you idiot. Where are your manners?" Melody snapped.

Emma knelt down by Mary Margaret and shook her gently. "Come on... Wake up. Can you hear me?"

Melody settled down and then got a feeling like they were being watched. She looked over to the shadows where a voice spoke, "Do you need help?"

The brunette tilted her head and narrowed her eyes at the person's dark silhouette. "Who are you?"

"A friend," the person replied. They stepped out into the shadows and Melody saw that it was an older woman. Who — odd enough — looked like Regina in a way. "My name is Cora."

✓ 1. | BROKE HER ➸ ONCE UPON A TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now