three ; the world has collapsed

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iii. the world has collapsed

━ ❝ pain takes over ❞

━ ❝ pain takes over ❞

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SLEEP IS A beautiful thing. Sleep is a place where you can rest your mind and not have to worry about what tomorrow will bring. You are at peace even if it doesn't last very long. But nightmares were the one thing that ruined that perfect and beautiful peace. And Isabelle was happy to say she didn't have any that night. This was a surprise since she had seen that dark shadow. That picture would be forever burnt into her mind, not knowing what it was or what it wanted. But sleep can also be ruined if someone awakens you.

Isabelle's eyes fluttered open and Mary Margaret was crouched next to her, smiling softly. Isabelle was reminded of the fight between her and her mother from the previous day and she felt tears brim her eyes. She had come to the teacher's apartment that Emma lived in for the past two weeks late with her eyes red and tears streaming down her cheeks. The brunette stayed for the night and the two older females decided to let her stay as long as she wanted.

"Come on Isabelle, time to get up," Mary Margaret said. 

Isabelle sat up and held her head with a groan. Also, she had been getting terrible headaches. Medicine didn't even help her. The teen felt like nothing was going right for her and it would only get worse from there. Isabelle managed to get up and make her way to the bathroom where she got ready for the day. Once she finished, Isabelle made her way down the small staircase and saw Mary Margaret and Emma sitting at the bar, drinking coffee. Mary Margaret saw her and handed her a mug of hot chocolate. Isabelle took it and thanked her.

"Well, I have to get to the school so I'll see you guys later," Mary Margaret smiled, excusing herself. Isabelle forced a smile through her pain and wished the teach a good day. Mary Margaret smiled back in response and left the apartment. 

Isabelle was glad Emma had accepted her not going to school because of her agonizing headaches. The teen even had a hard time walking because it was that bad. Emma set a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of the brunette and the wonderful scent made the girl dive in. The blonde next to her patiently let her finish and then once Isabelle was about to leave the room, she stopped her.

"Not so fast," she called. Isabelle rolled her eyes and turned back around to face her. "Sit," Emma instructed, pointing to the chair Isabelle was previously sitting in. Isabelle sighed and then went over and sat back down next to Emma. "If you don't mind me asking - what did you and Regina right about?" Emma asked curiously. 

Isabelle felt tears prick her eyes again and she bit her lip. The teen trusted Emma strongly it was just she didn't want Emma to think she was overreacting over she was getting upset over nothing. Isabelle hardly cried in her cursed body so she knew, in her mind, she wasn't overreacting. Isabelle was in a way a closed off person because she never really expressed her emotions if she was upset about something. But, she pushed the thought away and took a deep breath, explaining what she had just been thinking about.

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