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Just For Once


THE DAY HAD COME AND SHE DREADED IT. Everyone gathered in black attire as they stood around Archie's tombstone. Melody had shrugged off anyone attempting to comfort her. Having to deal with Archie's death, her mother's "supposed" murdering of Archie, and her father having the shadow watch her like a hawk was all too much. Her head felt like it was about to explode.

It had taken a while for Melody to get Emma to stop bombarding her with the familiar phrase "Are you ok?" and other things revolving how the teen felt. It had taken all of her strength not to scream at the blonde, letting all of her thoughts escape her.

The casket had white flowers and Archie's tombstone read 'Archibald Hopper - Friend and Conscience'. Mary Margaret wanted to give the eulogy to the crowd so she stood in her black clothing while she looked at the casket.

"Some of us knew him as Archie. Others, as Jiminy. But we all knew him as a true friend. And though, he may now be gone, he will always live on inside of us. Reminding us to be our best selves, to do the right thing, to always fight for what we believe in," she said. A tear slipped down her cheek and she quickly wiped it. "So, we shouldn't think of today as a goodbye, just as a way of saying... Archie, we'll be listening."

Mary Margaret couldn't hold herself together anymore and she went over to David who embraced her. Melody refused to cry as she kept her teeth clenched. Marco walked over to the tombstone and laid Archie's umbrella down on it.

"I miss you so much, my friend. Well, at least... You are in a better place," Marco said sadly, tears leaving his eyes.

Melody felt a hand on her shoulder and looked over to see Henry. She sighed and hugged him, feeling her younger brother's tears hitting her shoulder.


Melody was walking back to David's truck with her hands in her pockets as she looked around at the trees, growing paranoid now that she knew the shadow was watching her.

"Melody!" Emma said, running the catch up with the teen.

The teen continued walking and it wasn't until Emma said her name again did she get mad.

"What?!" Melody yelled, spinning to look at the blonde.

Emma jumped slightly in shock but quickly composed herself as she walked over to the teen.

"Melody what's wrong?"

Melody rolled her eyes. "Nothing's wrong, Emma I've said that hundreds of times already."

"You're acting differently. You're normally happy, bubbly, and-"

"Happy?" Melody questioned with a scoff. "That's how everyone expects me to act. But the truth is? I'm not happy. And I'll never be truly happy. I let people in and all they do is hurt me. Wounds that never fully healed are being opened back up and it hurts." Melody's voice cracked as she spoke and Emma tried to form words but couldn't as she looked sympathetic. "Everyone thinks I'm strong and that I can do anything. I act like that, so everyone thinks I'm fine when I'm really not. And I just wish someone understood."

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