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Going To Give You Hell



Pan tried to ease his daughter's anger but it didn't seem to be working.

"Because Melody, you are already one of the Lost Boys. You don't need to shoot."

"But I want to," Melody whined. "I love archery."

"You said yourself, you've never shot with a crossbow before."

"There's a first for everything."

The two had been arguing for the past hour since Pan finally gave up on running after her. Since they both have similar personalities, the argument was bound to last for a few more hours before one of them gave up. Felix had to endure the entire thing. He had listened to them bicker back and forth and his head was starting to hurt. Yes, he did like Pan, and yes, he did like Melody as a friend, but that still didn't mean he got annoyed of them.

"You can shoot during training, Melody," Pan told her.

Melody narrowed her eyes at him and he gave her a look. The teen rolled her eyes. "Fine."

Henry stirred and the two looked over at him. Pan walked over to him and threw an apple at his feet.

"I don't like apples," Henry told him, sitting up.

"Who doesn't like apples?" Pan asked confused.

"It's a family thing," Melody told him.

Henry looked at her and the teen smiled at him.

"Don't worry," Pan told him, not before giving his daughter a smile. "They're not for eating. It's for a kind of game. A really fun game." He aimed the crossbow at Henry and smiled. "I call it target practice."


The StoryBrooke group came to a stop as they now discussed how they were going to find Melody and Henry now that Pan had moved the camp

"So, this whole track has been for nothing?" Emma questioned.

"I told you walking was idiotic. I suggest using magic. We can materialize in the camp and grab Henry and Melody," Regina snapped.

"We don't know where the camp is. Have you even been listening?" Mary Margaret asked, giving her a look.

"Pan'll have shields against magic, I fear. Such an attempt would end in your death and more importantly, mine. That's why we are walking," Hook explained.

"Well then, what's your idea? How are we going to find it?" Regina asked him.

"By using someone he trusts."

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