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Don't Leave


Um, possible trigger warnings in this chapter...I don't know what really would be considered a trigger, but just for a warning!



THE FOREST DIDN'T SEEMED TO HAVE changed since the last time he had set foot on the island. Nothing really did change and he almost laughed because Felix had tied his hands together, leading him back to Pan. Did the second in command really think he was that mentally retarded?

"Feels like just yesterday I welcomed you to Neverland the first time, Baelfire. Gotta say, hoped I'd never see you again," Felix admitted as they walked.

"Then maybe Pan shouldn't have taken my son and my aunt," Neal replied calmly.

"Maybe you should've left well enough alone. "

"I'm gonna get them back."

"You really believe that? You were a lost boy. You know Peter Pan's not be to trifled with. You know how long he's been searching for the heart of the truest believer. Do you really believe he'll just... give him up?" Felix asked.

Neal started to pry the ropes off and was confused as to why Felix hadn't mentioned Melody. He couldn't fathom why the snarky immortal boy would kidnap the sweet yet sassy Melody Mills.

"Why does Pan need Melody? Does she have some magical hair or something that he needs?"

Felix chuckled, not caring that he dodged the question. "You may have grown up, Baelfire, but it would appear you have grown up stupid."

"I have grown up. I don't know if I'm stupid or not, but I do know I know how to tie an overhand knot." Neal swung around and punched Felix in the face. Making him fall to the ground unconscious. "I'm not a boy anymore, Felix. I sure as hell ain't lost." He threw off his jacket and ran off into the woods.


Again with the birds. They wouldn't shut up and Melody banged her head against the pillow. To think she escaped the things! But they were so much more annoying in Neverland than in StoryBrooke that was for sure. She got up and stuck her head out the window.

"Shut up!" she yelled at them.

Pan entered the room just as she did that and he laughed as she looked around to him and glared.

"Well good morning to you too," he laughed.

Melody huffed and flung a piece of hair out of her eyes. "Ridiculous!" She threw up her hands. "This is the second time this has happened. Once in StoryBrooke and now here?!" She jumped on the bed and laid her head face down. "The birds are my enemy."

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