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The Demon Child


FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A WHILE Melody woke up with energy and a smile. The source of her energy, she didn't know. Maybe it was the fact that she gained some control over her magic. Or maybe it was that she was slowly starting to think about the good things about her father and the fact that she was juggling the idea of having a second chance with him.

There was a knock and Melody turned to see David in the doorway.

"Hey, we're going to be leaving soon."

Melody smiled at him and nodded. "I'll be there in a second." David seemed a little surprised at her enthusiasm but didn't question it. He went to leave but the teen stopped him. "Oh and I forgot! Thank you, for looking out for me the other day. Sorry if I was being rude."

David waved it off, smiling. "It's ok, Melody. You're family after all."

The teen laughed slightly and David left the room. Melody sighed and grabbed her coat from her bed. She turned and saw the book from last night and smiled.


Melody, Emma, and Mary Margaret were all in David's truck as they drove to an unknown location. They all exit the car and Melody and Emma look around confused.

"Why are we in the middle of nowhere? Are you guys not telling us something? Cause I for one am concerned as to why we're in the middle of no man's land StoryBrooke," Melody said.

"Because you need to see it," Mary Margaret told her.

"Great. That always goes well for me. Listen, whatever it is, it can wait. August was trying to warn me about something - someone dangerous," Emma reminded.

"Doesn't matter," David replied.

Melody looked at him incredulously. "Why not? August died trying to warn us."

"Because of this," Mary Margaret said.

The four passed a threshold and a wave of magic coursed through them to reveal a cloaked magic bean field. Melody's eyes widened and she stood speechlessly. It was only when she recognized a familiar giant did she come to.

Anton walked over to them and smiled. "Emma. Melody."

"Hey, Anton," Melody greeted, surprised. Emma greeted him with the same response and it seemed like she was equally as shocked.

"Are you here to help? It's not quite harvesting time yet," he told them.

"Beans," Emma realized. "You're growing magic beans. That's what you were up to when we were in New York? Why didn't you tell us?"

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