people are shit

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People are shit. People change and morph into creatures that use your bitter honesty in twisted words and sour meanings. They fill you up with a fake love and then empty you as quickly as they started, leaving you helpless and broken at the splatter marks of the warmth that used to be your everything.
People are shit because they want to be. People love tearing you down because they know every secret hidden under your canvas skin and they rip it open with sharp claws in the form of words and watch as you spill out into the streets for everyone to see. But all you can do is let your being drip out because you dont have the energy anymore.
People are shit because they dont care. They dont care how you feel. They dont care if you cry. They dont care if you leave. They cant wait to see you tremble at their words of betrayal as you choke on a response you will never get out. Their slender fingers wrap around your throat and cut off your precious oxygen that may possibly help you crawl away from their grip.
People are shit because that's just how people are.

I dont seriously edit these because they're just little pieces of writing that I like to get off my chest.

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