Your words created creatures that clawed up my legs and into my body. They tore open my skin and sang into the hollowed flesh to make my weak bones rattle and my tainted heart shake. They crushed my body into dust in which you used to water your garden of roses. My blood dusted the petals of your favorite buds pink and my body offered nutrients to gather in the soil underneath, unseen by you. You, darling, never saw under the surface of it all. You never saw all that my body endured to love you as I did. To love you as I do.

Your garden thrived as my empty flesh turned into pages in which my ink spilled across to write our love story. It became engraved on my skin and wherever I walked, our story followed.

I could never tell if you called your murderous creatures off from my frail body or if they simply became tired of the rottenened flesh. But I hoped to God and whatever deity was up there listening that your body would curl around mine and wrap me in an embrace that revived me from the dirt and mud. I prayed that you would love me more than the others, but something always lulled me back into the depths of red stained mud. Something always told me that you were better off without me.

So maybe I should start listening..

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