fast forward

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Imagine the one person in this world that has made you feel worth it. Not your mom, not your dad. A friend.

You meet this person over some horror movie that they didn't realize didn't come out for two more years. You always wanted to talk to this person. They seemed so cool and funny.

You start to hang out. They become your closest friend. They're so kind and understanding. They're the opposite of what everyone makes them out to be.

Fast forward.

You've been friends for a few months now. You start to notice weird stuff. Every time they venture a little to close to you, you get these butterflies in your stomach and every time they say 'i love you', like friends always do, you wish it to mean more than it does.

But you ignore these things. You don't know what they mean. You don't want to ruin what you have.

Fast forward.

You both have this app. You write on this app, and you love it. You're a big writer. You know that they have one, they talk about it sometimes. But they never would give you're their username.

One day, they do.

You find this book.

They are writing about someone.

This person they are writing about seems familiar.

But you refuse to get your hopes up. You still read it though.

Fast forward.

This person asks about something you wrote. (It was about them, and they knew it). They asked 'who is this about?' You're tired of lying and suppressing how you feel, so you ask back 'do you really wanna know?'

They say yes.

You tell them.

Fast forward.

They tell you 'I can't stop reading what you wrote.'

You say 'why? Because you know it's about you?'

They say yes.

'I know the feeling.' You say. You're tired of pretending like you don't know who their book was about. By now, you know.

They're confused.

So you tell them.

It feels nice to say it out loud.

But they ask to keep it between you all for a while.

You helplessly agree, because you realize that you're so in love, you can't say no.

Fast forward.

They're with someone else

Fast forward.

They don't want to be with this someone else. He is mean.

Fast forward.

They leave for a month. By now, you're kissing. You're cuddling. You're almost a couple. You're a couple behind someone's back, but he wouldn't let them leave. They tried, trust me. But he wouldn't.

You're person leaves for a month. They go back to their home state. You joke about them eating dirt, because that's all that's out there. They loved that joke. It made them laugh.

They kissed you goodbye in a bathroom stall.

Fast forward.

They've been gone for a few weeks.

You're growing increasingly lonely.

You're always texting them. You're always checking in. They're very accident prone.

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