i wish you knew

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Lets do something, alright?

Take a deep breath guys. We can start simple. Just take a breath and smile because your smile is beautiful.

Then I want you to get some paper or open notes on your phone.

I wish you knew...

Lets just write together okay? We'll get through this together. No matter what youre going through or how you are going about it, I got you.

Lets just start with "I Wish You Knew..."

Ill show you.

I wish you knew how beautiful you actaully are.

Just write okay? Just type or write whatever words spill from your mind first and go from there.

Ill do some more.

I wish you knew how beautiful you actaully are because, more than anything, you are beautiful. You are kind and sweet and thoughtful and just beautiful.

Are you getting it? You just write to who or whatever helps, okay?

I wish you knew how beautiful you actaully are because every time you say you arent I just wanna scream from the rooftops how much I disagree.

Making sense?

You got this guys. All you gotta do is write. Just write about what hurts and what is aching and itll help.

I love you.

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