You, because why not.

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Right now, there is no title to this poem. Which is an odd thought in itself.

But, I will, most likely, be tempted to name this poem 'you' because that will be what it ends up being about. You are the catalyst for my writing, the maker of my words, and I believe you don't want to be in that position anymore. You want to be as far away from my love letters sent to mars as you possible can. Because you have a lover, someone who you want to be with. So who am I to judge?

But, I realize now that I am still so in love with you. You are my moon in a galaxy of fallen stars. I am a lonely traveler, stranded at sea, and you are the chaotic force that drags my boat under the tide. You are what sinks me to the bottom of the ocean, but what brings me to the surface. You created a part of me that won't drown under the pressure of the water.

You, darling, are the only person on this earth, that a single look from could destroy me. The way your whole face lights up when you see something you like, or the way your mouth curves into a crescent moon line when you are trying to stiffle that laugh, makes me fall in love with you a hundred more times.

This poem doesn't have a name yet, apart from 'you'.

Your eyes are like honey and almonds, roasted together and mixed to show a divine color that tells stories on their own. Your smile, that crooked half smile, tears down my walls and lets me do nothing but let you into my world.

You, darling.


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