~ Friends In High Places ~

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L's body tensed, she looked at Bryce, whose expression was grave- they didn't need words. They jumped together and were in sync as they floated to the ground and ran for the Council meeting hall. L felt bad for not going back to Robbie but she knew they'd be easier to find if there was any news, and this was a little more urgent. They arrived at the meeting hall at the same time as the new arrival; a Vampire who Bryce called Erik, when they greeted each other.

His face was covered in burns and his light brown hair was smoking, though he didn't seem to notice or care.

"Where are the Council? I must see them immediately." His words were rushed, his accent was thick but understandable and L could tell he was in pain, he shouldn't have been out.

She knew just what magic would help and offered it to him while the three of them headed down the corridor. Erik was grateful to her and he started to look better instantly. They barged into the meeting room after warding off the spells to stop them and found half of the Council present, they all stood up at the intrusion.

"What is the meaning of this?" Katherine asked and she didn't look happy to see any one of them.

Walter was at Erik's side the moment they'd walked in, checking the burns that were now healing.

"You need to assemble this Council, post-haste," Erik spoke mostly to Walter but of course the others heard.

"What is it, Erik?" Alassia asked

L frowned at their lack of reaction. "Didn't you hear him shouting all the way through the base?"

"We were in a private meeting, closed off to the outside. It is a wonder you three got in here," Solan responded.

"Frallica is coming, she knows the location of this base and that the Keeper is in attendance. She is en route as we speak." Erik spoke earnestly and L watched the members of the Council stand to attention.

"How do you know this, Erik?" Walter asked and L knew he was the only one who could have asked without sounding suspicious.

"I observed her, with my own eyes, she comes with a colossal horde of Demons. Make haste and do something!"

L was momentarily worried that they'd keep questioning Erik but seconds later, the rest of the Council arrived accompanied by Edra. She made her way to stand with L, Bryce and Erik, who had begun staring between L and Edra in amazement. L would have laughed if the situation weren't so dire. The Council stood together and L thought they could be quite intimidating, with their almost matching robes and determined expressions.

"We must evacuate the base of everyone who doesn't need to be here. Anyone who wants to fight can stay but they must be made aware of the risks." Nate exclaimed and the others nodded.

"Tell anyone you pass what is happening but try to keep the panic to a minimum." Maeve added, she was shimmering so much it looked like there was a breeze passing over her.

"We need a volunteer to escort the Worcesters somewhere safe. L, I would ask you but you are most definitely needed here." Vadim sounded apologetic but L nodded, she understood.

"I'd like Nyla to do it then, if it's okay?" L asked, she knew they'd get along and Nyla could handle any trouble they might come across.

The Council looked to Katherine and Nate, they deliberated for a moment and then turned to L.

"If Nyla agrees then yes it's okay, better that she's somewhere else than here."

L knew what they were focusing on and she thanked them.

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now