~~ The Keeper ~~

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It was peaceful where she drifted and she dare not open her eyes in case it was ruined. She just lay in the warm glow surrounding her, feeling it wash over her body as if she were sunbathing. She couldn't remember what Keepers believed about an afterlife, she couldn't remember much of anything at that point. But if there was one, she hoped she'd be able to see her parents again. If they were really dead and if not, she could wait for them.

She could wait for everyone else, she did believe she would see them all again one day. But for now she was content to relax, she deserved it after the life she'd lived. Death was lovely for the one that had died, L didn't have to worry about fighting or who was going to get attacked next. She didn't have to think about confusing feelings or those who would be crushed by her death. They could move on and eventually join her in this glowing slumber.

Although now that she thought about it, this stage of her death was lasting a bit too long. Shouldn't she have moved on to somewhere more stable and permanent by now? She didn't know how much time had passed but it felt like weeks and she was starting to get bored, relaxing did have its drawbacks.

L decided it was time to open her eyes and see what the Keeper afterlife looked like. Maybe she would be reborn as something else, or maybe she was in some version of paradise. But as soon as she'd made the decision, she realised there were noises in this place, all kinds of disturbances and it wasn't peaceful in the slightest. The other residents of this afterlife must have woken up, or discovered she was there.

L opened her eyes, ready to lecture whoever was ruining her peace, but the sight she saw distracted her. At first it was entirely blue, her eyes came into focus quite quickly and she noticed there were trees encroaching on the blue and the sun was peeking between their branches.

L was starting to realise that she really was moving but she was being carried instead of floating. She wanted to get up but her body wouldn't respond, she urged her head to turn but it wouldn't. If this was the afterlife then they could keep it.

She tried to speak but no words came to her, incomprehensible sounds came out and suddenly the moving stopped. L could hear noises but they didn't make sense. Her eyes darted around but all she could see was the blue sky and the trees. Several moments passed when faces swam into view, L didn't recognise them, but somehow she knew her brain wasn't working correctly. She felt like a prisoner in her own body and her eyes began to close again.

When L finally reopened her eyes, the scenery had changed, the sky was still blue but the sun was low and these trees were smaller and had leaves on them. She tried to move her body but it still wasn't responding, her voice felt better but her brain wouldn't form the words she wanted.

Noises fell from her mouth however and the moving stopped, the faces swam into view quicker than before. Only two were familiar but L couldn't grasp their names or who they were to her. They were speaking hurriedly and she caught fragments of their words.

"... Better.."

"... lost."


The voices sparked something in her but she couldn't make them fit. Maybe she was trying to process the afterlife and it would just take time. She had the briefest of hopes that maybe she had lived and that she was waking up from unconsciousness.

She didn't want to think that way however and have it all taken away from her all over again. There was the possibility that she was being punished, and this was what she would experience until the end of time. Life moving on around her while she just laid there and watched, like looking up from her own grave.

L wasn't about to put up with that, she had been through enough already and nobody or nothing was going to make her suffer anymore. She was ready to fight it, this was her mind and her body, she would decide what was happening to it, even in death.

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now