-How to breathe-

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September 20th, 2017
Grade 12

I hated people. Most people anyways.
They are loud, stupid, and annoying as hell, but we keep producing more and more everyday. All I wanted to do was get a massive microphone that the whole world could hear, and scream 'STOP HAVING SEX!'

My school was always thriving. Always moving and doing loud, stupid things, and never getting caught. I couldn't stand being around them. Not that I'm superior, because I'm far from that, but they don't seem to think through anything they do. Lacking some major critical thinking skills and common sense.

It was the end of the day, and I was trying to get through a wall of people stronger than the school's stupid wifi to get to my dented blue locker.
I had made the mistake of staying back in class when the teacher asked to speak to me, meaning I left the classroom 5 minutes later than usual, when everyone else was rushing through the halls.

"You can tell me what's going on, Nico. I know what you're going through," my free period teacher said to me. Truly a stupid thing to say.

"No, I'm good," I had replied dully. I had never met anyone who understood, except maybe Jenny, but even she had never gone through what I have.

"Nico, come on, telling someone your problems helps."

"Mhm, yeah," I rolled my eyes and turned to go, probably acting like an ungrateful prick. She placed a hand on my shoulder, and I looked back and jerked away with out meaning to. Reflexes were a bitch.

"Nico," she looked at me firmly but I shrugged out of her gaze, and stalked out of the classroom, calling out behind me.

"I don't need your help."

I was bored with the people at school. And terrified of them at the same time. You couldn't trust them. You couldn't like them. It was hard to even be polite, on bad days.

I shoved the rest of my binders into my backpack and started to push through the people in my way, blocking my path to the outdoors.

I was thankful that at that moment nothing in my brain was bugging me, because that would make the situation much more claustrophobic.

My eyes were on my vans as I got closer to the door. They were all black, even the laces, but I had a rip in the right side of the left one, and I was wearing white socks. Not a smart idea on my behalf.
Finally, I reached the outside, but small and inconsiderate brain didn't provide a warning before I bumped into someone.  

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry—" a girls voice stopped when she looked up and saw me. She balked, and turned to her friend with a snicker, whispering furiously as they walked away. I left, ignoring what they had said. The stupid insult that seemed to follow me around.

I kept walking with my head down until I reached an empty street, devoid of anyone I knew. My school worries quickly turned into my foster home ones.

There were assholes at school, yeah, but the ones at my home were almost worse, probably because I have to live with them.
There were the ones a year younger than me, Daren and Rose. They were dicks on their own. But they thought it would be fucking hilarious if they trained the littles living there to terrorize me as well.

The only silver lining (if you would even call it that) was that they were a bit scared of me, but only if I was having what the 'sisters' who took care of us called an 'episode'.
It didn't help that they would make me go to my room if I was having said episode, where I would sit and darkness and have to deal with it myself.

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