-How to make a difference in your life-

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February 6th, 2018

Will, no matter how many times I asked him what was wrong, acted as if he was fighting some inner turmoil. When I asked, he shook his head and acted as if everything was normal.

After a session with Jenny (that Will couldn't make to in time) we walked to the cafe. We decided we would have dinner there because, why not, but the entire time he was fidgeting- obviously nervous about something. If I was talking for a while he would blank out with a grimace on his face. He was having some sort of enteral battle with himself but wouldn't tell me what about or why.
Somehow, even with a couple awkward silences, we had managed to be there for 4 and a half hours and it was 9:30. There was only one other person in here with us, and Sammy's shift ended an hour ago. It was quiet in the small shop, with muffled sounds of cars honking and sirens coming from outside. The world was lit up in a million different colours, making it impossible to ever see stars from light pollution. I breathed on the window and drew a sad face. Will laughed at me and stretched over the table to change the upside down mouth into a smiling one. He was really close to me and I could feel his body heat. He, satisfied with his bad cover up job, turned to face me and realized we were centimetres apart. He blushed and quickly sat back down.
To try and make things less awkward, I kept my eyes down at my lap and reached for my hot chocolate-only to find it was empty. I looked up to voice my disappointment when my phone dinged.
I slipped it out of my pocket and saw a text from Jenny, asking where I was.

"We should probably head out," I placed my phone face down on the table after quickly telling her we were leaving soon,
"It's getting late and I have school tomorrow."
Will let go of his lip that he was biting and ran a nervous hand through his hair. He put a remarkably good fake smile on his face.

"Yeah, good idea, it'll probably start getting cold if we wait any longer," he agreed, standing up and pulling his coat on. I did the same, and watched his conflicted face as he put on his scarf and hat.
Will pulled his wallet out of his jacket pocket and put down the money needed, while I restrained myself from paying myself.
We walked out of the cafe together, but instead of saying goodbye, we kind of just stood outside of the shop, staring at the passing cars.
I wanted to know why we were doing this, but I couldn't make myself speak, or move, or breath like a normal human being.
Thankfully, Will had decided on whatever had been conflicting him.

"Let's get going then," he said cheerfully, looking down at me. Not in a bad way, he just had to look down because I was so much shorter than him.

"Going... where?" I questioned, pulling on my black gloves so my fingers wouldn't get frost bite and fall off. That would suck.

"Your house obviously," he saw my confused face,
"I'm walking you home Nico."
A middle aged couple walked by us, and the two eyed us suspiciously.


"Because it's late and dangerous at night for small and young people like you," he stated, trying to seem confident but I could see many flaws in his plan.

"Will, I'm technically an adult now."


"I'm 18 I go on 3 am walks let alone 9:30 at night-I'm perfectly fine walking myself."

"No, you're not, you could easily get attacked by sketchy New Yorkers that want your money and innocence. Come on let's go," he pushed me lightly with his shoulder when he put his hands in his pockets and started walking the road to my house. I stared at his back as he walked, confused and kind of weirded out. I guess he had done stranger things around me.
I jogged to catch up to him,

"And how do you suppose you'll get home? You don't have your car," I pointed out, also putting my hands in my pockets. It was cold, unlike the other day when I went grocery shopping.
Will shrugged his shoulders.

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