-How to spend a sleepless night-

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April 16, 2018

I was over it.
At this point, I couldn't tell if Will liked me- no way loved- or if I was just his charity case.
He wouldn't stop babying me.
I was his boyfriend, not a client.

I missed how we usually were, how we were in Mexico. Not worried about me. Well, less than usual. I wanted him to take me on a date, let me buy him food, kiss me, but not like I was a china glass plate.
He was being too careful, too cautious.
That was nice sometimes, when I needed it, when I needed space, but I didn't always need space.
That's why I loved Camilla. She was awesome, she understood. She didn't baby me, she was only careful when I was having a bad day. She didn't treat me like porcelain.

Will was usually carefree.
He wasn't being himself.

I was thinking all of this while watching him bustle around my kitchen to make us popcorn.
I could hear every move he made. Every bang of a bowl on the counter, every button being pressed. It hurt my brain.
I could make my own god damn popcorn.


"Do you like extra butter on your popcorn?"

"Will stop,"

"What about salt?" I don't don't know if he heard me or not but being ignored was the last straw.

"Will! Just fucking stop already!" I shouted.
I snapped. He froze. He turned around and looked at me slowly.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Cautiously.

I ran my hands through my hair and stood up from the chair. I spun in a circle and groaned loudly. I could tell he was just watching me. He was confused.

"You need to... to... to just STOP!" I yelled. Thankfully Jenny wasn't home. She would probably calm me down and call this a symptom.
Will was looking at me, like a wounded puppy.

"... stop what?" He asked quietly. Just then the microwave beeped with the popcorn inside. I spun and pointed at it.

"Stop that! Stop rushing around me, being careful and please stop babying me!" I think this was hysterical but I couldn't stop.

"Nico I'm sorry I just thought-"

"WELL YOU THOUGHT WRONG!" I yelled. My legs gave out suddenly and I lost balance and toppled slightly. I caught balance by clutching the table.
"I'm not a fucking ancient artifact Will! I don't need to be watched all the time! I love being around you but not when you are constantly censoring what you do and say! I want how we used to be before we were dating, you were normal!" I exclaimed, but then slapped a hand over my mouth. That came out wrong. My eyes were wide as I watched his widen and get glossy. Then he frowned.

"So... you wish we weren't dating?" He asked. He seemed to be sad but mad at the same time. His frown was getting deeper.

"No!" I exclaimed. My nails made their way into my mouth.
"That's not what I meant, you just- I didn't- I'm not a baby! I am 18 years old, but I don't have any experience in a relationship because you treat me like Jenny treats her clients!"

"Jenny.. Jenny doesn't kiss her clients, from what I've heard. She doesn't sleep with them or tell them she loves them either," Will said lowly. My breath caught in my throat. He remembered that night.
I didn't know what to say.

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