-How to appreciate live music-

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March 14th, 2018

The sun blinded me before I even opened my eyes. From the height of the sun that filtered through the window I could tell I had slept in. What does it matter, I'm on vacation.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands. It took me a moment to realize I wasn't in my bed, I was in Wills, which made me a bit nervous- but I was 98% sure nothing happened.
Will wasn't there with me.

I stretched my arms above my head and felt my spine crack in several places. Reluctantly, I slinked out of the warm covers and slumped out of Will's room.
I found him outside on the hammock looking at the ocean. He looked content enough, so I let him be and walked to the kitchen to turn on the kettle. While it boiled I put my elbows on the counter and my head in my hands.
I need Advil for my head, I had a hangover that was making me feel all woozy. I drank a bit too much for my own good the night before. On the bright side, I seemed to be sober again.

Warm arms snaked around my waist. I leaned into the touch as Will's head rested on my shoulder. I smiled softly, reaching up and running my fingers through his hair sleepily. I could feel him sigh against me.

"Morning," he mumbled in my ear. I turned in his arms to face him.

"Morning," I replied sleepily, eyes closed as I smiled. He kissed me lightly on the forehead. His arms were like a barrier from the outside world wrapped around me like this.

"What're you making?" He asked. I tilted my head and opened my eyes again.

"Tea," I yawned, "I need caffeine, but I don't like coffee." I turned back around to the kettle. Will put his head in the crook of my neck again and chuckled.

"I know you don't."

We stayed quiet for a bit while I made my drink. He kissed my neck a couple times, which made me squirm, and held me tight. I felt safe.

"Nico, can I ask you something?" Will asked quietly, whispering into my ear. I finished pouring my milk into my tea.

"Sure, what's up?" I took the mug into my hands and held it up to my lips. I blew the steam away and watched him expectantly.

"Well I'm not sure if it's anything big..." he started, and lifted his head off my shoulder so I could turn around,
"But last night, when we were swimming, I thought I felt bandages on your leg. And then when you came and climbed into my bed cause you couldn't sleep... well, I felt something through your pjs, so I just wanted to make sure..." he must've saw the panicked look in my eyes that I couldn't cover up and trailed off.

"Nico, what is it?" He asked, sounding worried, as if he wanted me to prove him wrong. I shifted nervously on my feet and took a sip of my tea.

"It-it's nothing I swear," I mumbled. Will didn't buy it. I pressed my mouth to the rim of my mug and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Nico, tell me why there are bandages on your leg," Will moved towards me. I tried to step backwards but my back hit the counter.

"I just fell and I scraped it, it's nothing," I said again. That was another obvious lie. This was shit. This was bad. I had been so careful-

"Nico, I don't believe you," Will said. I was shrinking.

"W-will, it's nothing," I stuttered. I was repeating myself. I had no story, nothing to cover it up. What was I supposed to do?

"Nico. This isn't a joke. Remember, I know things, I know how stuff happens," Will sounded scared.
He thought I had self harmed after promising him I wouldn't. Shit.

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