-How to smile-

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October 23rd, 2017

"Ok boys, I have an appointment so we have to cut today a couple minutes short," Jenny stood up, blonde pony tail swinging as she shuffled through some papers at the counter at the back of the room, also known as her desk.
"You'll get home alright?"

"Yeah don't worry about us Jenny, I'm taking Nico to a cafe I like," Will replied to her, who asked but couldn't snag the car this week. She limped around to face us— her ankle was still sprained— a look of surprise on her features.

"Really?" That was directed to me this time. I shifted In my seat uncomfortably and nodded. I've been fidgety and nervous all day. I wasn't looking forwards to the cafe visit at all. I'm not very good at talking, or socializing, or being relatively normal.
I was probably going to mess it up somehow and Will would regret asking me to be his friend and I'd have no friends again and I'd be back where I was at the beginning of the school year, with zero.

"Ok well have fun boys, I'll see you later! Can you lock up Neeks?" She asked me walking towards the door jingling her keys. I had a spare key that she gave me in case I needed some time away from everything. I nodded but cringed at the nickname. I liked it secretly, but it didn't mean Will needed to know it.

"Yeah sure Jen, bye," I waved meekly.

"Bye!" She shut the door and almost immediately Will turned to me from where he was standing with a huge smile on his stupid face.

"So... Neeks huh?" He snickered holding his stomach. I blushed and turned to face the couch so he wouldn't notice, zipping my bag up.

"She's th-the only one who calls me th-that, and I'm not making any exceptions," I turned when I was sure my blush diminished, glaring at him. He was still grinning with that dumb smile of his to show his perfect teeth. On his stupid face.

"Stupid face huh? I've been told I've had a pretty nice face actually," he giggled at his own joke as I blushed once again. I have to control what I say out loud at this point. That could be a really bad habit later in life.

"By who? Your mom?" I replied trying to cover up my horrible mistake. I'm not sure how much I said out loud, but I hoped it was only the stupid face part. Will feigned hurt and put a hand on his heart.

"Ouch Nico, that burned," he laughed pretending to stumble backwards,
"But yes, you are correct Nico, my mom has always loved my face, that's why she always lets me borrow her car," he said matter of a factly with his hands on his hips and his chin in the air.

"Where's the car today huh?" I smirked, praying the talking-out-loud occurrence had left his mind. I've become much better at hiding what I'm actually feeling. Sometimes.

"Are you saying my mom was lying about loving my face?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying," I smiled softly. I was proud of how well I was talking to him. Right now. That will probably change later.

"Wow, I didn't know you were this good at talking..." he smirked at me,
He all of a sudden burst out laughing. He was laughing so hard that he fell over onto Jenny's chair. He was laughing like he had just heard the funniest thing of all time, but really he said a dumb nickname. He pretended to wipe tears away to make the gesture even more exaggerated.
I was still blushing though, because I've never been called Neeks by anyone other than Jenny. I'm not sure if I liked it.

"L-let's just go, come on," I muttered in fake anger before grabbing my keys, one for the room and the other for the foster home.

He nodded, still laughing his ass off, and grabbed his computer bag from the floor. We turned off the light and left the building, me rolling my eyes at him to cover up my internal freak out.
I can't speak! How on earth did I think this was a good idea? I don't know the first thing about having a regular conversation.

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