-How to communicate with people (badly)-

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(Can we just assume none of these are edited?)
January 31st, 2018

I lifted my shirt over my head and threw it on the ground. My door was closed and locked so there was no chance if anyone entering. My eyes were shut tight until I knew I was in front of my full scale mirror. I slowly opened them.
It had been three days since the mishap with Caleb, and my ribs looked like they were mauled.
I winced at the sight of them, and then a shiver went all the way through my body. There were black and purple bruises all of the way up my left side, the skin discoloured and ugly. I went to touch it but just a small graze from my finger made pain explode throughout my entire left side. Eyes watering and stinging my eyes, I carefully bent down and put my black Ramones shirt back over my head. I double checked to make sure my door was locked, and then went over to my messed up bed, the comforter and sheets half on my floor.
It was early Wednesday morning and I did not want to go to school. I didn't want to think about school. I wanted to drop out and live under the covers of my bed for the rest of my life.
I had about 20 minutes before I had to start walking, and I thought laying in my bed with my light on was a great idea. It was a good idea, until I fell asleep 3 minutes later.
And then was woken up 57 minutes later and 7 minutes late for class by Jenny, who seemed to be completely ready for her day.

"What are you doing in bed? Hasn't school already started?" She exclaimed, standing up straight and examining me when I raised. I rubbed my eyes, feeling even more exhausted than before.

"What time is it? I just laid down to rest my eyes," I replied sleepily, swinging my legs over the side of my bed, bumping her shin and knocking my phone off of my bed. I groaned and picked it up slowly, the pain resurfacing.

"8:08," She Informed me with her hands on her hips. She looked slightly disappointed in me. When my eyes shot up to her in surprise and then to my phone -which turned to 8:09-  I jumped up fast, and her weird look disappeared. She looked like she believed that I thought I had just been down for a minute. It turned to sympathy.

"I swear I thought I was only down for a minute- I'm so sorry Jenny I know you're paying taxes for my school, I'll go run there right now and only be a few minutes late for my class-"

"Hey hey hey, Nico, it's fine, I'll drive you ok? I was going to work anyways and I noticed your shoes were still there. Come on, just pack your bag and we'll stop at Starbucks and get you breakfast. What class do you have?" She stopped my rush of panic and let me settle. My breathing had been so fast in that short period of time that it took me a moment to slow it down and tell myself everything was ok.

"Art," I said and nodded to the rest of what she said. I moved past her to grab my already packed bag from my desk along with my sweatshirt and jacket. I slipped my shoes on and then followed her out of my room.
She kissed Carmen goodbye before we left, as she was drinking a coffee in the kitchen. I waved to her and then stepped outside into the freezing cold.
My nose froze and I almost immediately fell down the steps due to the ice.

"Sorry Neeks, we gotta put salt on those again," Jenny mentioned in front of me, unlocking the car.

"It's fine," I squinted into the sunlight after leaving the small porch. The sun was usually just rising when I left the house in the morning, and I had the chance to get used to the light. Today it was cold and the sky was empty of clouds, making the sun seem 10 times brighter.
I scurried to the car and hopped into the passenger seat. I watched Jenny clean the snow and ice off the windshield and turned up the radio when 'sugar we're going down swinging' came on the radio. She huffed a breath of cold air and threw the brush into the back, grinning at me when she heard the song. She was very cultured. That's another reason I loved her.
She pulled out of the drive way, mouthing the lyrics with me and bobbing her head. I smiled at the scene. It was beginning to warm up in the car, and I felt safe.
We pulled into the first Starbucks drive through we saw and waited in line with four other cars in it. Two were red and the other two were black and silver.

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