-How to be happy-

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February 6th, 2018

It turned out Will did like me, and it turned out that I didn't hallucinate him kissing me. That made me feel a little better. But it didn't mean that's the hallucinations had stopped. That was proven.

Me and Will hadn't really talked about what happened, which made me doubt our entire interaction, but he texted me early this morning, telling me he was taking me somewhere. I had asked where, but he didn't reply. He only told me a time.

After the kiss happened, it was calm. But then there was the departure, which was him making me get a taxi home (in which he insisted to pay) and then an awkward hug.
As you could assume, I told Jenny as soon as I stepped through the door.


"JENNY!" I yelled when I threw the door open, expecting her to be upstairs. It turned out she was on the couch with Carmen with a bag of popcorn between them. She looked at me over the back of the couch as Carmen paused the movie.

"Yes Nico?" She said calmly with an amused grin. Carmen had her eyes poking over the back of couch, waiting for the gossip that was sure to come.
I calmed myself down as much as I could but it didn't work. My mouth turned from a huge grin to a frown to a smile again and then tears prickled in my eyes. I caught them and rubbed my eyes furiously to make it stop. Why on earth was I crying? Carmen now had her brows furrowed in confusion and Jenny's smile was slowly falling when she realized something was wrong. But nothing was wrong- why was I making it seem that way? I must've looked so weird, all excited one second and then standing there with tears in my eyes. I was overwhelmed.

"Nico honey, what's wrong?" She stood up, knocking the popcorn bag that Carmen quickly saved. I'm not sure if it was her therapist instincts or her mother instincts kicking in when she hurried over to me. I was still motionless even though I wanted to tell her I was ok. Better than ok.
She unzipped my jacket and threw it onto the ground before pulling me towards her (she was very warm) and lead me to the stairs. I saw her glance at Carmen who was watching this exchange with interest. I couldn't tell what the look implied but Carmen nodded and then looked away, before standing and walking to the kitchen.
Jenny brought me to her room, not mine, and sat me on her bed. She took a quiet seat next to me.

"Nico hun, what's wrong, you look like you've seen a ghost," she murmured, brushing the hair out of my eyes. She looked genuinely concerned for something she shouldn't be concerned about.

"I-it's n-n-nothing," I managed to choke out. I swore inwardly at myself for being so stupid and sensitive. I was happy Will liked me. It was a good thing. So why was I so upset about it?

"Honey it cant be nothing, you're obviously very freaked out by something. What's wrong?"

"I-um-we-ugh," I huffed at my capability- or lack there of, to form sentences. She sat patiently.

"It's ok, think about what you need to say," she stroked my hair. I took a deep breath.

"It's- it's really n-nothing, though."

"Well you didn't yell my name for nothing, just tell me what happened and we'll talk about it," she bargained calmly. She was so calm all of the time.

"Well, hm," I tried to think how to word this. It wasn't that I was worried she would freak out about it happening because of... obvious reasons, I just knew she would freak out in other ways. And overwhelm me more.

"Will-kind-of-sort-of-kissed-me," I stated simply instead of explaining.
Jenny's eyes widened and practically did just what I expected. Freaked out.
A humongous smile broke out on her face and she looked absolutely ecstatic.

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