-How to deal with a bad day (or how not to)-

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The next week was pretty much hell. Everyday was bad, but three particular days stuck out that led to the worst of them all.
I'm not sure if it's the pressure of school and the people there, or Bianca constantly hovering no matter what I do, or that I was always hiding all of the bullying stuff from Jenny and canceled both of our sessions so there was no chance of her finding out.
I wasn't surprised it ended as it did, because shit like this happened all of the time in grade 10 when everything was at its worst.

Monday, March 5th

After the shit that happened last week, I had to work harder than ever to stay under the radar of everyone. It was tiring.
Waking up with your long deceased sister beside your bed is never a good sign.
She followed me around while I got ready, walked to school, went to my first class- technically all of that day.
Camilla tried her absolute hardest to stay with me, but we didn't have all of our classes together so it was difficult. She was being really supportive, and somehow turned down mean remarks and teasing.
She was always angry at everyone around us it seemed, and if anyone even looked at us weirdly she would get really pissed off and flip them off or insult them or even get up in their faces and threaten them. I usually had to grab her arm and pull her away so we wouldn't get anymore attention then we needed.
Bianca wasn't any help. She just joined along with whatever they said, and even if there were no insults out loud, Bianca was saying them in my head.

Camilla and I made a conscious decision to go out at lunch. Going out where no one could here us meant more torture for me, because Camilla could talk about things that we couldn't say around other people. 

"What do you mean you haven't told Will!" She shrieked. It was warm again. Well not warm, but it was 7 degrees (Celsius), and it was sunny. The sky was clear and people weren't wearing they're huge winter coats.
Camilla's 6 inch heels were clicking on the dry pavement of the sidewalk and we headed back from McDonald's.

"I mean that I didn't tell him. If he knew he would be concerned and he would tell Jenny and everything would be worse for me. We-" i gestured at both of us with lots of emphasis,
"Aren't going to say a thing, got it?"

"But Nico we have to tell someone, this is getting out of hand, you could get seriously hurt, and I don't want that happening," she folded her arms glaring at me. If only she knew. The wind blew her dark hair into her face so she tucked it behind her ears.

"Camilla I promise I'll be fine, I can take care of myself. This has been going on for way longer than we've been friends, and has anything bad happened to me? No, so just drop it ok?" I hiked up my bag and kept walking.

"But Nico-"

"Camilla." I warned. I didn't want to snap at her again. Bianca was directly behind me, whispering into my ear. I ignored her.

"Ok fine, I won't tell, but they- Caleb doesn't know about Will right? Cause I'm the video-"

"I know what happened in the video!" I snapped loudly. Her eyes widened in surprise at the outburst. I calmed myself down by taking three deep breaths before I kept going. I wasn't going to loose her again, she- even if I didn't want to admit it- was a good friend, and was just trying to stand up for me.
"And n-no. They don't know about me and Will, they just think I'm a- they made me say it because there stupid."

"Ok good, I was worried. If they knew-"

"If they knew I'd probably be dead Camilla. I don't think Caleb is good with all of that shit. If he's like this now, I can't imagine what he'd do if he knew I kiss- y'know," I muttered angrily. I was glaring at my feet. Tears were in my eyes, threatening to spill. I wiped it away with a quick movement.
Camilla's arm was around me in a matter of seconds.

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